Publications |
PhD Thesis: Class Association Rule Mining Using Multi-Dimensional Numbered Information Spaces. Hasselt, Belgium, 2011. |
Autoreview of PhD thesis in Bulgarian: Извличане на клас-асоциативни правила чрез използване на многомерни номерирани информационни пространства. София, България, 2011. |
PhD Thesis Presentation. 15.11.2011, Hasselt, Belgium. |
Mitov, I., A. Rizov, K. Ivanova, M. Vlachkov: Ergonomic Design of the Graphical User Interface of Integrated Software Systems for Business Management.
Proc. of the 1th Annual MIBES Int. Conf., Heraklion, Greece, 2016, pp.317-330, ISBN: 978-960-93-8332-5 |
Rizov, A., Mitov, I., Ivanova, K.: Business Objects Modelling Using DBMS with External Data Logic.
Proc. of the National Conference on Informatics, dedicated to 80th anniversary of Prof. Peter Barnev, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2016, pp.173-184 (in Bulgarian)
// Ризов, А., Митов, И., Иванова, К.: Моделиране на бизнес-обекти чрез СУБД с външна логика на данните. Доклади на Националната конференция по информатика, посветена на 80 г. от рождението на проф. Петър Бърнев, София, България, 2015, ISBN: 978-954-8986-45-8, стр.173-184. |
Ivanov, М., Ivanova, K., Mitov, I., Velikova, E.: Adverts, adverts,… – finding without staring.
Proc. of the National Conference on Informatics, dedicated to 80th anniversary of Prof. Peter Barnev, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2016, pp.239-247 (in Bulgarian)
// Иванов, М., Иванова, К., Митов, И., Великова, Е.: Реклами, реклами, … – намиране без взиране. Доклади на Националната конференция по информатика, посветена на 80 г. от рождението на проф. Петър Бърнев, София, България, 2015, ISBN: 978-954-8986-45-8, стр.239-247. |
Mitov, I., Depaire, B., Ivanova, K., Vanhoof, K.: Classifier PGN: Classification with High confidence Rules.
Serdica J. Computing 6(2), 2013, ISSN 1312-6555, pp.143–164 |
Spyratos, N., Stanchev, P., Ivanova, K., Mitov, I.: Query Enrichment for Image Collections by Reuse of Classification Rules.
Proc. of the 3rd Int. Conf. "Digital Preservation and Presentation of Cultural Heritage", Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria, IMI-BAS, Sofia, 2013,
ISSN 1314-4006, pp.121-125. |
Ivanova, K., Velikova, E., Stanchev, P., Mitov, I.: Automated Metadata Extraction from Art Images.
Chapter 3 in Access to Digital Cultural Heritage: Innovative Applications of Automated Metadata Generation.
PU Publ.House Paisii Hilendarski, 2012, Plovdiv, Bulgaria, ISBN: 978-954-423-722-6, pp.97-152. |
Mitov, I., Depaire, B., Ivanova, K., Vanhoof, K., Blagoev, D.: Automatic Metadata Generation and Digital Cultural Heritage.
Chapter 5 in Access to Digital Cultural Heritage: Innovative Applications of Automated Metadata Generation.
PU Publ.House Paisii Hilendarski, 2012, Plovdiv, Bulgaria, ISBN: 978-954-423-722-6, pp.203-255. |
Dodunekov, S., Minchev, Z., Mitov, I., Ivanova, K., Dobrinkova, N., Boyvalenkov, P., Pavlov, R., Kelevedziev, E.:
Knowledge Discovery Methods and Tools and Continuous Situation Awareness Systems (the Bulgarian Academic Approach).
Monitor II Project Technical Report, Sofia, 2012. |
Ivanova, K., Mitov, I., Stanchev, P., Ein-Dor, Ph., Vanhoof, K.: Establishing Correspondences between Attribute Spaces and Complex Concept Spaces Using Meta-PGN Classifier.
Proc. of the 2nd Int. Conf. "Digital Preservation and Presentation of Cultural Heritage", Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria, IMI-BAS, Sofia, 2012, ISSN: 1314-4006, pp.71-77.
Best paper award. |
Ivanova, K., Mitov, I., Stanchev, P., Velikova, E., Vanhoof, K., Depaire, B., Kannan, R.: Local Features in APICAS (Analyzing of Added Value of the Descriptors Based on MPEG-7 Vector Quantization).
Int. J of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence, 2(4), Dec. 2012, ISSN: 2226-4450(online) 2226-4469(print), pp. 23-32. |
Ivanova, K., Mitov, I., Stanchev, P., Dobreva, M., Vanhoof, K., Depaire, B.: Applying associative classifier PGN for digitised cultural heritage resource discovery.
Proc. of the 1st Int. Conf. "Digital Preservation and Presentation of Cultural Heritage", Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria, IMI-BAS, Sofia, 2011, pp.117-126,
ISSN 1314-4006. |
Mitov, I., Ivanova, K., Depaire, B., Vanhoof, K.: ArmSquare: an association rule miner based on multidimensional numbered information spaces.
Proc. of the 1st Int. Conf. on Advances in Information Mining and Management, IMMM-2011, Barcelona, Spain, 2011, pp.143-148, ISBN 978-1-61208-162-5. |
Depaire, B., Ivanova, K., Markov, K., Mitov, I., Vanhoof, K., Velychko, V.: Multi-dimensional Information Spaces as Memory Structures for Intelligent Data Processing in GMES.
Chapter 15 in the book "Intelligent Data Processing in Global Monitoring for Environment and Security", Sofia, 2011, pp.347-370, ISBN: 978-954-16-0045-0. |
Mitov, I.: MPGN – An Approach for Discovering Class Association Rules.
Serdica Journal of Computing, Vol.5, No.4, 2011, pp. 385-414, ISSN: 1312-6555. |
Ivanova, K., Mitov, I., Dodunekov, S., Pavlov, R., Sendova, M.: Contingency Planning: Process, Templates, Current State in Bulgaria.
Monitor II Project Technical Report, Sofia, 2011. |
2010 |
Palagin O.V., S.L. Kryvyi, D.S. Bibikov, V.U. Velychko, K. Markov, K. Ivanova, I. Mitov. "Formal-logical approach to building analysis systems of knowledge in different domains" (in Ukraininan). //
О.В.Палагін, С.Л. Кривий, Д.C. Бібіков, В.Ю. Величко, К. Марков, К. Іванова, І. Мітов Формально-логічний підхід до побудови систем аналізу знань в різних предметних областях. Проблеми програмування. ІПС НАН України. – 2010. N.2-3. с.127-135. |
Palagin O., P. Stanchev, V. Romanov, K. Markov, I. Galelyuka, V. Velychko, O. Kovyriova, O. Galelyuka, I. Mitov, K. Ivanova. Calculating of Reliability Parameters of Microelectronic Components and Devices by Means of Virtual Laboratory. Proc. of Int. Conf. i.Tech 2010, Varna, 24-27.06.2010, pp.134-143. |
Arakelyan, A., Boyajian, A., Sahakyan, H., Aslanyan, L., Ivanova, K., Mitov, I.: Growing Support Set Systems in Analysis of High-Throughput Gene Expression Data. Proc. of Int. Conf. CFDM 2010, Varna, 21-24.06.2010, pp.47-53. |
Stanchev P., Ph. Ein-Dor, K. Ivanova, I. Mitov. High Level Semantic Retrieval in Web Based Art Painting Digital Repositories. Proc. of Third Int. Sci. Conf. ISK 2010, Varna, 27-30.06.2010, pp.159-169, ISSN: 1313-4345. |
Mitov I., Markov, K., Ivanova, K.: The Intelligence. Proc. of Third Int. Sci. Conf. ISK 2010, Varna, 27-30.06.2010, pp.7-13, ISSN: 1313-4345. |
Ivanova K., Stanchev, P., Velikova, E., Vanhoof, K., Depaire, B., Kannan, R., Mitov, I., Markov, K.: Features for art painting classification based on vector quantization of MPEG-7 descriptors,
Second International Conference on Data Engineering and Management ICDEM, India, 29-30.07.2010, LNCS 6411, 2012, pp.146-153. |
2009 |
Марков К., И. Митов, К. Иванова, В. Митова, В. Величко, В. Гладун, К. Миленов, В. Василев, И. Филипов, Л. Кожарев: Атрибутивен анализ при управление на риска от бедствия и аварии АУРЕ, София, 2009. 128 стр. ISBN 978-954-9465-08-2. |
Ivanova K., I. Mitov, K. Markov, P. Stanchev, K. Vanhoof, L. Aslanyan, H. Sahakyan. Metric Categorization Relations Based on Support System Analysis.
In Proceedings of the VIIth Int. Conf. "Computer Science and Information Technologies", 28.09 02.10.2009, Yerevan, Armenia, pp.85-88, ISBN: 978-5-8080-0797-0. |
Mitov I., K. Ivanova, K. Markov, V. Velychko, K. Vanhoof, P. Stanchev. "PaGaNe": A Classification Machine Learning System Based on the Multidimensional Numbered
Information Spaces. In Int.Conf. "Intelligent Systems and Knowledge Engineering" (ISKE2009), 27-28.11.2009, Hasselt, Belgium. Printed in World Scientific Proceedings Series on
Computer Engineering and Information Science, No:2, pp. 279-286, ISBN: 978-981-4295-05-5. |
Mitov I., K. Ivanova, K. Markov, V. Velychko, P. Stanchev, K. Vanhoof. Comparison of Discretization Methods for Preprocessing Data for Pyramidal Growing Network Classification Method.
Presented at Int.Conf. i.Tech-2009, Madrid, Spain, 02-05.09.2009. Published in Int. Book Series "Information Science & Computing" Book No: 14. New Trends in Intelligent Technologies, Sofia, 2009, pp. 31-39. |
Markov K., K. Ivanova, I. Mitov. Theory of Infos. Presented at Int.Conf. INFOS-2009, Krynica, Poland, 19-25.09.2009.
Published in Int. Book Series "Information Science & Computing" Book No: 13. Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems, Sofia, 2009, pp.9-16, ISSN: 1313-0455. |
Markov K., K. Ivanova, I. Mitov. A Disadvantage of the Payable (e-) Education. In Int. Conf. "Modern IT&(e-) Learning", 06-08.10.2009, Astrakhan, Russia. pp.335-341. |
Palagin O., V. Romanov, K. Markov, V. Velychko, P. Stanchev, I. Galelyuka, K. Ivanova, I. Mitov. Developing of Distributed Virtual Laboratories for Smart Sensor System Design
Based on Multi-dimensional Access Method. In Int. Book Series "Information Science & Computing" Book No: 8. Classification, Forecasting, Data Mining. Sofia, 2009, pp. 155-161. ISSN: 1313-0455. |
Romanov V., I. Galelyuka, V. Fedak, V. Grusha, D. Artemenko, O. Galelyuka, V. Velychko, K. Markov, K. Ivanova, I. Mitov. Portable Device "Floratest"
as Tool for Estimating of Megalopolis Ecology State. In Int. Book Series "Information Science & Computing" Book No: 11. Intelligent Engineering. Sofia, 2009, pp. 9-15, ISSN: 1313-0455. |
Палагин А., В. Романов, К. Марков, В. Величко, И. Галелюка, К. Иванова, П. Станчев, И. Митов, М. Станева. Базовая онтология распределенной виртуальной лаборатории проектирования сенсорных систем.
Presented at Int.Conf. KDS-2009, Kyiv, Ukraine, 19-24.10.2009.
Published in Int. Book Series "Information Science & Computing" – Book No: 15. Knowledge–Dialogue–Solution, Sofia, 2009, pp.19-23, ISSN: 1313-0455. |
2008 |
Markov K., K. Ivanova, I. Mitov, S. Karastanev. Advance of the Access Methods. International Journal "Information Technologies and Knowledge", Vol. 2/2008, No.: 2. pp.123-135.
(Presented in: Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference "Information Research and Applications" i.Tech-2007, Varna, Bulgaria, 2007, pp. 309-325). |
Markov K., S. Poryazov, K. Ivanova, I. Mitov, V. Markova. Culture Aspects of Inforaction. International Journal "Information Technologies and Knowledge". Vol. 2/2008, No.: 4. pp. 335-342.
(Presented in: Proceedings of the XIII-th International Conference "Knowledge-Dialogue-Solution" KDS 2007, Varna, Bulgaria, 2007, pp. 625-633). |
Markov K., K. Ivanova, I. Mitov, V. Mitova. Business Informatics. Artificial Intelligence and Decision Making Book Num.7 from Int. Book Series "Information Science & Computing", 2008, Sofia-Uzhgorod, pp. 213-218. |
Иванова К., К. Марков, И. Митов. Регионалное развитие и электронный рынок знаний. Международная научно-практическая конференция "Эволюция системы научных коммуникаций ассоциации университетов прикаспийских государств",
21-23.10.2008, Астрахань, Руссия, стр. 48-64, ISBN: 978-5-902175-42-1. |
2007 |
Markov K., K. Ivanova, I. Mitov. Basic Structure of the General Information Theory. Int.Journal "Information Theories and Applications", Vol.14/2007, No.1, pp. 5-19.
(Presented in: Proceedings of the XII-th Int. Conf. "Knowledge-Dialogue-Solution" KDS 2006, Varna, Bulgaria, 2006, pp. 19-32). |
Markov K., K. Ivanova, I. Mitov. Introduction to NISL. New Trends of Mathematic and Informatics, IMI BAS, Sofia, 2007, pp.56-57.
(Presented in the session "Information Systems" of the Jubilee International Conference "60 years of IMI", 06-08.07.2007). |
2006 |
Markov K., K. Ivanova, I. Mitov. The Staple Commodities of the Knowledge Market. Int.J "Information Theories and Applications", 2006, Vol. 13, No. 1, pp. 11-18
(Presented in Proceedings of the XI-th Int. Conf. "Knowledge-Dialogue-Solution" KDS-2005. Varna, Bulgaria. pp.631-638 |
Ivanova K., N. Ivanova, A. Danilov, I. Mitov, K. Markov. Basic Interactions between Members of the Knowledge Market. Int.J "Information Theories and Applications", 2006, Vol. 13, No. 1, pp. 19-30
(Presented in Proceedings of the XI-th Int. Conf. "Knowledge-Dialogue-Solution" KDS-2005. Varna, Bulgaria. pp. 638-648). |
Markov K., K. Ivanova, N. Ivanova, I. Mitov. e-Publishing, Education and Knowledge Market. Proceedings of the Int. Conf. "Informatics in the Scientific Knowledge" ISK 2006. VFU, Varna, Bulgaria. 2006, pp. 15-26. |
Before 2006 |
Markov K., V.Bakoev, I.Mitov. Information Interaction with Multi-dimensional Text Information Objects. Mathematics and Education in Mathematics, BAS, SOFIA, 1988, pp.465-469. |
Марков Кр., И.Митов. Един подход за синтез на сложни програмни системи. Математика и математическо образование, БАН, СОФИЯ, 1989, стр.399-403. |
Марков К., И.Митов. Многомерный пользовательский интерфейс для систем поддержки принятия решений. Сборник "Програмиране '90". БАН, Варна, Дружба, 1990, стр.159-160. |
K.Markov, K.Ivanova, I.Mitov. Basic Concepts of a General Information Theory. Int.J "Information Theories and Applications"; 1993; v.1, n.10; pp.3-10. |
К.Марков, К.Иванова, И.Митов, Й.Икономов. Пирамидальная модель фирменных информационных деятельностей. Int.J "Information Theories and Applications", 1993; v.1, n.2; pp.3-7. |
К.Марков, К.Иванова, И.Митов, Й.Икономов. Информационная модель развития и трансформации капитала фирмы. Int.J "Information Theories and Applications", 1993; v.1, n.9; pp.3-10. |
K.Markov, K.Ivanova, I.Mitov. General Structure of Information. Int.J "Information Theories and Applications", 1994; v.2, n.1; pp.3-7. |
K.Markov, K.Ivanova, I.Mitov. Aggregation in Language System CONTACT. Int.J "Information Theories and Applications", 1994; v.2, n.2; pp.16-22. |
K.Markov, K.Ivanova, I.Mitov. Space Hierarchy Information Structures in Complex FOI. Int.J "Information Theories and Applications", 1994; v.2, n.3; pp.21-27. |
K.Markov, K.Ivanova, I.Mitov, V.Vassilev. General Structure of Subject Information Space. Int. Conf. "Information Technologies and Programming"; Sofia, 1994; pp.134-138. |
K.Markov, K.Ivanova, I.Mitov, J.Ikonomov. The Time Dimension of the Text Information Objects. Int.J "Information Theories and Applications", 1994; v.2, n.5; pp.16-21. |
K.Markov, K.Ivanova, I.Mitov, J.Ikonomov. Informaltion Model of the Ledjer Account. Int.J "Information Theories and Applications", 1994; v.2, n.7; pp.3-12. |
К.Марков, К.Иванова, И.Митов, Й.Икономов, В.Василев. Информационно моделиране на фирмени дейности. Списание "Известия на Икономическия Университет - Варна"; бр.3-4, 1994; стр.119-127. |
K.Markov, K.Ivanova, I.Mitov. Cognitive Graphics Elements. Int.J "Information Theories and Applications", 1994; v.2, n.9; pp.3-6. |
K.Markov, K.Ivanova, I.Mitov. Cell Oriented Programming. Int.J "Information Theories and Applications", 1995; v.3, n.1; pp.3-8. |
K.Markov, K.Ivanova, I.Mitov. Time Depended Hypertext Navigation. Int.J "Information Theories and Applications", 1995,v.3,n.8;pp.3-7. |
K.Markov, K.Ivanova, I.Mitov. Time depended Queries. Int.J "Information Theories and Applications", 1995; v.3, n.9; pp.3-8. |
P.Barnev, K.Markov, K.Ivanova, I.Mitov. A Space Hierarchy Information Model for Bulgarian Medical Plants - Multimedia Information System. Int.Conf. KDS; 1995; pp.283-287. |
A.Ali, P.Barnev, K.Markov, K.Ivanova, I.Mitov. Information System for Short Advertisments. Int.Conf. KDS, 1995; pp.399-404. |
K.Markov, K.Ivanova, I.Mitov. Mental Information Measure. Int.J "Information Theories and Applications", 1996; v.4, n.1; pp.11-16. |
K.Markov, K.Ivanova, I.Mitov. Activity, Subjects and Comprehensive Information Structures in the General Information Theory. Int.J "Information Theories and Applications", 1996; v.4, n.2; pp.11-17. |
K.Markov, K.Ivanova, I.Mitov. Types of Information Expectation. Int.J "Information Theories and Applications", 1996; v.4, n.3; pp.21-24. |
K.Markov, K.Ivanova, I.Mitov. An Approach for Physical Organization of Time Depended Information Bases. Int.J "Information Theories and Applications", 1996; v.4, n.4; pp.11-16. |
K.Markov, K.Ivanova, I.Mitov. Language System "Contact" as a Tool for Cell Oriented Programming. Int.J "Information Theories and Applications", 1996; v.4, n.5; pp.16-19. |
K.Markov, K.Ivanova, I.Mitov. Synchronization of the Input Flows during the Creating the Time Depended Text Information Objects. Int.J "Information Theories and Applications", 1996; v.4, n.6; pp.10-15. |
K.Markov, K.Ivanova, I.Mitov. Describing and Computing the Time Intervals in Time Depended Text Information Objects. Int.J "Information Theories and Applications", 1996; v.4, n.7; pp.18-21. |
K.Markov, K.Ivanova, I.Mitov. Time Depended Cell Information Spaces. Int.J "Information Theories and Applications", Vol 5, No.1, 1998, pp.3-4. |
Kr. Markov, Kr. Ivanova, I. Mitov. An Approach to the Information Service of the Education. Regional Conference “Computerization of the Learning Process in the Field of the Electrical Engineering”. Rusia, Astrakhan, 1998, pp.51-56. |
K.Markov, K.Ivanova, I.Mitov. Multiagent Information Service Based on Scripts. Proceedings of the VIII International Conference KDS, Ukraine, Krim, 1999, pp.129-135. |
К.Марков, К.Иванова, И.Митов. Требования к автоматизации обучения на пороге информационного общества. Новые информационные технологии в электротехническом образовании (НИТЭ-2000): Сборник научных трудов пятой международной научно-методической конференции, Россия, Астрахань: Изд-во ЦНТЭП, 2000, стр.23-31. |
N.Ivanova, K.Ivanova, K.Markov, A.Danilov, K.Boikatchev. The Open Education Environment on the Threshold of the Global Information Society. Int.J "Information Theories and Applications", 2001, V.8, No.1 pp.3-12. (Presented at Int. Conf. KDS 2001 Sankt Petersburg, 2001, pp.272-280, in russian, Presented at Int. Conf. ICT&P 2001, Sofia, pp.193-203) |
K.Markov, P.Mateev, K.Ivanova, I.Mitov, S.Poryazov. The Information Model. Int.J "Information Theories and Applications", 2001, V.8, No.2 pp.559-69 (Presented at Int. Conf. KDS 2001 Sankt Petersburg, 2001, pp.465-472) |
K.Boikatchev, N.Ivanova, A.Danilov, K.Markov, K.Ivanova. Authoring tools for courseware designing. Int.J "Information Theories and Applications", 2001, V.8, No.3 pp.115-121. (Presented at Int. Conf. KDS 2001 Sankt Petersburg, 2001, pp.32-37) |
K.Boikatchev, N.Ivanova, A.Danilov, K.Markov, K.Ivanova. Teacher's and Tutor's Role in Long Life Distance Learning. Int.J "Information Theories and Applications", 2001, V.8, No.4 pp.171-175. (Presented at Int. Conf. KDS 2001. Sankt Petersburg, 2001, pp.38-41) |
К.Марков, К.Иванова, И.Митов, Н.Иванова, А.Данилов, К.Бойкачов. НАУКАТА: хармония и противостояние на олимпизъм и професионализъм. Пленарен доклад, Втора национална конференция “Науката в научното познание”. ВСУ, Варна, 2004. |
К.Марков, К.Иванова, И.Митов. Информатика и научен мироглед, Пленарен доклад, Сборник на Национална научна конференция "Информатиката в научното познание", ВСУ, Варна, 2003, стр. 17-31 |
K.Markov, K.Ivanova, I.Mitov, N.Ivanova, A.Danilov, K.Boikatchev. Basic Structure of the Knowledge Market. Int.J "Information Theories and Applications", 2002, V.9, No.4, pp.123-134. (Presented at Int. Conf. ICT&P, 2002, Primorsko, Bulgaria) |
K.Markov, K.Ivanova, I.Mitov. The Information, Int.J "Information Theories and Applications", 2003, V. 10, N. 1, pp. 3-9 |
K.Markov, K.Ivanova, I.Mitov. The Infos, Proceedings of the Int. Conf. “Knowledge-Dialogue-Solution” (KDS-2003), Varna, 2003. pp.465-468 |
К.Иванова, Н.Иванова, А.Данилов, И.Митов, К.Марков. Обучение взрослых на рынке профессиональных знаний. Сборник доклади на Национална научна конференция “Информационни изследвания, приложения и обучение” (i.TECH-2003), Варна, България, 2003. стр. 35-41. |
К.Марков, А.Данилов, К.Иванова, Н.Иванова, И.Митов. Массовое профессиональное обучение в условиях рынка знаний. Пленарен доклад. Сборник доклади на VI-та Международна научно-методическа конференция «Новые информационные технологии в электротехническом образовании», НИТЭ-2003, Астрахан, Русия, октомври 2003. стр. 9-18. |
K.Markov, K.Ivanova, I.Mitov, E.Velikova-Bandova. The Information. Int.J. "Information Theories and Applications", FOI ITHEA, Sofia, 2003, Vol.10, No.1, pp.5-9. |
K.Markov, K.Ivanova, I.Mitov, E.Velikova-Bandova. Formal Definition of the Concept “INFOS”. Proceedings of the Second International Conference “Information Research, Applications and Education” i.TECH 2004, Varna, Bulgaria. Sofia, FOI-COMMERCE – 2004, pp. 71-74. Int. Journal “Information Theories and Applications”, 2004, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 16-19 |
К.Иванова, И.Митов, К.Марков. Организация на диалога с потребителя в КОМПЛЕКС ФОИ. Proceedings of the Second International Conference “Information Research, Applications and Education” i.TECH 2004, Varna, Bulgaria. Sofia, FOI-COMMERCE – 2004, стр. 150-155 |
К.Марков, Н.Иванова, А.Данилов, К.Иванова, И.Митов. Электронный рынок знаний: предпосылки возникновения и развития. Сб. „Моделирование устойчивого регионального развития", Россия, Нальчик, 2005, стр. 35-46. |