Научни известия / Институт по математика и информатика – БАН
- Спиридонова, Маргарита, Ив. Димовски. Подход на операционното смятане за получаване на периодични и средно-периодични решения на линейни обикновени диференциални уравнения с постоянни коефициенти, декември 2022 - англ. ез. (Секции: Анализ, геометрия и топология; Временно научно звено Информационно моделиране)
- Рашков, Петър. Анализ на апостериорната грешка за апроксимация с редуциран базис на две параболични задачи за растеж на тумори. София, март 2021, 33 с. - текстът е на англ. ез. с резюме на бълг. и англ. ез. (Секция Математическо моделиране и числен анализ)
- Лазаров, Борислав. Относно математическите знания и умения в контекста на международните програми за оценяване на постиженията по математика. София, юли 2019, 18 с. (Секция Образование по математика и информатика)
- Ivanov, Tihomir B., Gergana V. Velikova. Monod-type models with nonlinear birth rate. Sofia, December 2017 (Section Mathematical Modeling and Numerical Analysis)
- Gadjev, Ivan. Weighted approximation by Meyer-Konig and Zeller operators. Sofia, March 2015, 6 p. (Section Mathematical Modeling and Numerical Analysis)
- Kutev, N.; N. Kolkovska; M. Dimitrova. Revised concavity method and applications to nonlinear dispersive equations. Sofia, June 2015, 9 p. (Section Mathematical Modeling and Numerical Analysis)
- Markov, Svetoslav. A Complete Axiomatization of Kaucher Interval Arithmetic. Sofia, November 2015, 24 p. (Section Biomathematics)
- Davidov, Johann. Twistorial construction of minimal hypersurfaces. Sofia, February 2014, 16 p. (Section Analysis, Geometry Topology)
- Davidov, Johann. Normality of the twistor space of a S-manifold with an irreducible SO(3)-structure. Sofia, March, 2014, 27 p. (Section Analysis, Geometry, Topology)
- Davidov, J.; A. Ul Haq; O. Mushkarov. Harmonic proper almost complex structures on Walker 4-manifolds. Sofia, October, 2014, 10 p. (Section Analysis, Geometry,Topology)
- Dimovski, Ivan H.; Yulian Ts. Tsankov. Three-dimensional operational calculi for nonlocal evolution boundary value problems. Sofia, February 2011, 13 p. (Section Complex Analysis)
- Dimovski, Ivan H.; Yulian Ts. Tsankov. Exact solutions of nonlocal BVPs for the two-dimensional heat equation. Sofia, February 2011, 15 p. (Section Complex Analysis)
- Dimovski, Ivan H.; Yulian Ts. Tsankov. Multivariate operational calculi for nonlocal boundary value problems for evolution equations. Sofia, July 2011, 18 p. (Section Complex Analysis)
- Bajlekova, Emilia. Fractional evolution equations in Banach spaces. Sofia, 2011, 12 p. (Section Analysis, Geometry and Topology)
- Kiryakova, Virginia. The classical special functions and the special functions of fractional calculus as G-and H-functions. Sofia, 2011, 71 p. (Section Analysis, Geometry, Topology)
- Rusev, Peter. Classical Hermite and Laguerre polynomials and zero-distribution of Riemann’s dzeta function. Sofia, September 2011, 15 p. (Section Analysis, Geometry, Topology)
- Popova, E. Explicit description of AE solution sets to parametric linear systems. Sofia, December 2011, 17 p. (Section Biomathematics)
- Apostolova, L. N. Square roots of bicomplex number and quadratic equation of bicomplex variable. Sofia, December 2011, 17 p. (Section Analysis, Geometry and Topology)
- Dimovski, Ivan H.; Yulian Ts. Tsankov. Explicit solutions of Bitsadze-Samarski problem and its generalizations. Sofia, February 2010, 22 p. (Section Complex Analysis)
- Dimovski, Ivan; Margarita Spiridonova. Operational calculus approach to nonlocal Cauchy problems. Sofia, February 2010, 20 p. (Section Complex Analysis; Section Artificial Intelligence)
- Popova, E.; W. Kramer; M. Russev. Integration of C-XSC automatic differentiation in Mathematica. Sofia, March 2010, 24 p. (Section of Biomathematics)
- Garloff, J.; E. Popova; A. Smith. Solving linear systems with polynomial parameter dependency. Sofia, January 2009, 18 p. (Section of Biomathematics)
- Pashkouleva, Donka. Certain classes of functions with negative coefficients. Sofia, April 2009, 10 p. (Section Complex Analysis)
- Bogdanova, G.; T. Todorov; T. Pagkou. New equidistant constant weight codes over alphabet of three, four and five elements. Sofia, October 2008, 13 p. (MFI)
- Dimovski, Ivan H.; Valentin Z. Hristov. Nonlocal operational calculi for Dunkl operators . Sofia, November 2008, 16 p. (Section Complex Analysis)
- Apostolova, L. N. Meromorphic functions on the two-dimensional complex torus with prescribed value on two generating torus . Sofia, December 2008, 6 p. (Section Complex Analysis)
- Popova, Evgenija D. Explicit characterization of a class of parametric solution sets. Sofia, July 2007, 10 p. (Section of Biomathematics)
- Pashkouleva, Donka. Certain classes of functions with positive and missing Coefficients. Sofia, November 2007, 9 p. (Section Complex Analysis)
- Apostolova, Lilia N., Stancho Dimiev. Double-complex Laplace operator. Sofia, December 2007, 16 p. (Section Complex Analysis)
- Апостолова, Лилия; Калин Петров. Деформации на неутрални почти Келерови многообразия (на английски език). София, септември 2006, 8 с. (Секция Комплексен анализ)
- Буюклиев, Илия. Класификация на грийсмърови кодове и дуална трансформация (на английски език). София, 2006, 52 с. (МОИ)
- Апостолова, Лилия; Калин Петров. Теорема за простите числа, Гама и Дзета функции (на англ. език). София, август 2005, 14 с. (Секция Комплексен анализ)
- Димовски, Иван; Валентин Христов. Комутанти на оператора на Ойлер и съответни средно-периодични функции (на англ. език). София, септември 2005, 19 с. (Секция Комплексен анализ)
- Попова, Евгения. Решаване на линейни системи, чийто коефициенти са рационални функции на интервални параметри (на англ. език). София, 2005 (Секция Биоматематика)
- Буюклиев, Илия. За двоичните проективни линейни кодове с размерност 6 (на англ. език). София, Юни 2004, 18 с. (МОИ)
- Димовски, Иван; Валентин Христов. Комутанти на оператора на Помие (на англ. език). София, Юни 2004, 12 с. (Секция Комплексен анализ)
- Fabricant, A.; N. Kutev; T. Rangelov. Maximum principle for linear second order elliptic equations in divergence form. Sofia, July 2003, 27 p. (IMI)
- Tomov, Nikolay. On the dating of the Ugarit solar eclipse. Sofia, July 2003, 12 p. (Education in Mathematics and Informatics Section)
- Николов, Гено. Неравенства от тип на Дафин и Шефер II (на англ. език). София, Октомври 2003, 15 с. (Секция Математическо моделиране)
- Dabnishki, Aleksandar Aleksandrov. On the psycho-linguistic basis of teaching mathematics in English. Sofia, December 2003, 38 p. (Section of Education)
- Karadzhov, G. E.; M. Milman. Extrapolation theory: new results and applications. Sofia, June 2002, 44 p. (Section of Differential Equations)
- Табов, Йордан. Няколко хронологични проблема в “Историята” на Лъв Дякон. София, Юли 2001, 8 с. (Секция Образование по математика и информатика)
- Ivanova, Lilia Ivanova. Interpolation by rational functions and uniform distribution of points . Sofia, July 2001, 17 p. (Section of Complex Analysis)
- Rusev, Peter. Notes on Jonquiere polynomials. Sofia, October 2000, 14 p. (Section of Complex Analysis)
- Markov, Svetoslav. On the algebra of errors and intervals. Sofia, December 2000, 41 p. (Section Biomathematics)
- Табов, Йордан. Когда жили святые братъя Кирилл и Мефодий? София, януари 1999, 22 с. (секция Образование по математика и информатика)
- Nikolov, Nikolai. Continuity and boundary behaviour of the Caratheodory metrics. Sofia, January 1999, 11 p. (Section of Complex Analysis)
- Nikolov, Nikolai. Stability and boundary behavior of the Kobayashi metrics. Sofia, May 1999, 8 p. (Section of Complex Analysis)
- Fabricant; A., M. Marinov; T. Rangelov. Estimates for nonlinear parabolic equations. Sofia, July 1999, 21 p. (Section of Mathematical Physics)
- Златева, Н., Милен Иванов. Върху неравенството на Кларк-Людяев (на английски език). София. 1998, 10 p. (Dep. of Operations Research)
- Iliev, Oleg P. A proof of 2ND order pointwise convergencre for a finite volume scheme for a class of interface problems with piecewise constant coefficients. Sofia, June 1998,14 p. (IMI)
- Илиев, Олег. Блочно разцепване..... ИМИ, София, 1998 (препринтът не е предоставен в библиотеката)
- Sidorov, Milosh; Emil Kelevedzhiev. Dating of Pliska’s rosette. Sofia, December 1998, 14 p. (Section of Education in Mathematics and Informatics)
- Chipchakov, Ivan. On the residue fields of Henselian valued……Sofia, 1997(препринтът не е предоставен в библиотеката)
- Popova, Evgenija D. Generalized interval distributive relations. Sofia, February 1997, 18 p. (Section Biomathematics)
- Iliiev, Oleg. On second order accurate discretization of 3D elliptic equations with discontinuous coefficients and its fast solution by multigrid method with a pointwise smoother. Sofia, 1997 (препринтът не е предоставен в библиотеката)
- Илиев, Олег. Диференчна схема от втори ред….. София, 1997 (препринтът не е предоставен в библиотеката)
- Kiryakova, Virginia S. All the special functions are fractional differintegrals of elementary functions. Sofia, January 1996, 25 p. (Dep. Complex Analysis Section)
- Tzvetkov, Nickolay. Existence of global solutions to nonlinear Massles Dirac system and wave equation with small data. Sofia, February 1996, 16 p. (Section of Mathematical Physics)
- Gateva-Ivanova, Tatiana. Skew polynomial rings with binomial relations. Sofia, February 1996, 53 p. (Section of Algebra)
- Iliev, Valentin Vankov. A generalization of Polya enumeration theorem or the secret life of certain index sets. Sofia, February 1996, 13 p. (Section of Algebra)
- Gonzalo, Raquel; Rumen Maleev. Smooth functions in Orlicz function spaces. Sofia, March 1996, 9 p. (Dep. of Mathematical Modelling)
- Rahimov, Ibrahim; George Yanev. On a maximal sequence associated with simple branching processes. Sofia, August 1996, 14 p. (Section of Probability and Statistics)
- Milev, Lozko; Geno Nikolov. On the inequality of I. Schur. Sofia, August 1996, 14 p. (Dep. of Numerical Analysis)
- Apostolov, Vestislav. Generalized Goldberg-Sachs theorems for pseudo-Riemannian four-manifolds. Sofia, September 1996, 16 p. (Dep. of Complex Analysis)
- Stoimenova, Evgenia. Evaluating the risk in selection of the t best populations. Sofia, September 1996, 20 p. (Computer Stochastics Laboratory)
- Nikolov, Nikolai. Weighted limit of the Caratheodory metric in a h-extendible boundary point. Sofia, November 1996, 9 p. (Dep. of Complex Analysis)
- Миланов, Петър. Прагови матроиди (на англ.език). София. 1995 (препринтът не е предоставен в библиотеката)
- Angelov, V. G. On the black body oscillator equation. Sofia, January 1995, 12 p. (Dep. of Operations Research)
- Iliev, Valentin Vankov. On certain systems of generators of infinite symmetric and alternating droups. Sofia, February 1995, 9 p. (Section of Algebra)
- Kolev, Nikolai; Leda Minkova. Discrete distributions related to success runs of Length K in a multi-state Markov chain. Sofia, February 1995, 16 p. (Lab.of Computational Stochastics)
- Kostova, Tanya V. Oscillations in an age-dependent model with a dominant age class. Sofia, March 1995, 22 p. (IMI)
- One Hundred-Twenty-Fifth Anniversary of Bulgarian Academy of Sciences : Scientific Session of Bulgarian Operations Research Society and Dep. of Operations Research. Sofia, November 1994. Abstracts. Sofia, March 1995, 14 p. (Dep. of Operations Research)
- Boshnakov, G. The asymptotic covariance matrix of multivariate serial correlations. Sofia, April 1995, 8 p. (Computer Stochastics Laboratory)
- Kovacheva, Ralitza K. Zeros of Pade error functions for functions with smooth Maclaurin coefficients. Sofia, April 1995, 18 p. (Dep.of Complex Analysis)
- Bozhinov, N. S. Root function expansion of the nonlocal sturm-Liouville problem. Sofia, April 1995, 31 p. (Dep. of Complex Analysis)
- Kovacheva, Ralitza K. On a theorem of Blatt. Sofia, May 1995, 8 p. (Dep.of Complex Analysis)
- Yanev, N.; S. Balev. A combinatorial approach to the classification problem. Sofia, May 1995, 12 p. (Dep. of Operations Research)
- Nikolov, G. On certain Duffin and Schaeffer type inequalities. Sofia, June 1995, 16 p. (Dep. of Numerical Analysis)
- Entchev, P. B. Numerical investigation of solid-solid phase change problem. Sofia, July 1995, 23 p. (Lab. On Numerical Methods)
- Gonska, Heinz H.; Ralitza K.Kovacheva. An analogue of Montel’s theorem to some rational approximating functions. IMI, Sofia, August 1995, 12 p.
- Illiev, Atanas. Minimal sections of conic bundles. Sofia, October 1995, 24 p. (Section of Algebra)
- Illiev, Atanas. The fiber of the Griffiths map for the non-hyperelliptic Fano threefolds of genus 6. Sofia, October 1995, 52 p. (Section of Algebra)
- Zhivkov, N. V. Densely two-valued metric projections in uniformly convex Banach spaces. Sofia, May 1994, 15 p. (Dep. of Operations Research)
- Slavtchova-Bojkova, Maroussia N.; Nikolay M. Yanev. Limit theorems for age-dependent branching processes with state-dependent immigration. Sofia, July 1994, 19 p. (Dep. of Probability and Statistics)
- Ivanov, R. P.; N. M. Kitanov. Directional continuity and upper semi-continuity in differential inclusions. Sofia, August 1994, 8 p. (Dep. of Operations Research)
- Ivanov, Radostin Petrov. Differential inclusions with upper semicontinuous right-hand side. Sofia, August 1994, 13 p. (Dep. of Operations Research)
- Ivanov, R. P.; P. M. Kitanov. A boundary value problem with a finite number of impulses. Sofia, September 1994, 8 p. (Dep. of Operations Research)
- Kerbashev, Tzvetozar. B. A refinement of a local limit theorem for a branching process conditioned on the total progeny. Sofia, October 1994, 18 p. (Dep. of Probability and Statistics)
- Apostolov, Vestislav; Johann Davidov; Oleg Muskarov. Compact self-dual Nermitian surfaces. Sofia, November 1994, 18 p. (Dep. of Complex Analysis)
- Apostolova, Lilia N. Conditions for local integrability of systems of m smooth complex vector fields on m+1 dimensional real cartesian space. Sofia, November 1994, 9 p. (Dep. of Complex Analysis)
- Boshnakov, Georgi. Bartlett’s formulae—closed forms and recurrent equations. Sofia, November 1994, 17 p. (Computer Stochastics Laboratory)
- Iliev, Oleg P; Mikhail M. Makarov. A block – matrix iterative numerical method for coupled solving 2D Navier-Stokes equations. Sofia, December 1994, 16 p.
- Yanev, George P.; Nickolay M. Yanev. On critical branching migration processes with predominating emigration. Sofia, May 1993, 37 p. (Dep. of Probability and Statistics)
- Davidov, Johann; Oleg Muskarov ; Gueo Grantcharov. Kahler curvature identities for twistor spaces. Sofia, 1993, 7 p. (Dep. of Complex Analysis)
- Zhivkov, N. V. Compacta with dense ambiguous Loci of metric projections and antiprojections. Sofia, July 1993, 10 p. (Dep. of Operations Research)
- Zhivkov, N. V. Peano continua generating densely multivalued metric projections. Sofia, July 1993, 13 p. (Dep. of Operations Research)
- Kirov, Nikolai K.; Tatiana V. Parchomenko. Chaotic attractor reconstruction and applications in astronomy. Sofia, July 1993, 9 p. (Dep. of Operations Research)
- Дончев, А. Л.; П. Ст. Кендеров. Българското присъствие на страниците на реферативното списание Mathematical Reviews. Sofia, July 1993, 10 p. (Dep. of Operations Research)
- Barov, S.; G. Dimov; St. Nedev. Some remarks on a theorem of N.-J. Schmidt. Sofia, July 1993, 22 p. (Dep. of Topology)
- Димовски, Иван Христов. Нелокальные операционные исчисления. София, Август 1993, 17 с. (Секция Комплексного анализа)
- Karadzhov, G.E. Riesz summability of multiple Hermite series in L” spaces. Sofia, October 1993, 16 p. (Dep. Differential Equations)
- Georgiev, P.; D. Kutzarova; A. Maaden. On the smooth drop property. Sofia, October 1993, 13 p. (Dep. of Operations Research)
- Georgiev, Pando. Submonotone mappings in Banach spaces and applications. Sofia, October 1993,. 32 p. (Dep. of Operations Research)
- Karadzhov, G.E. Equisummability of multiple Hermite series. Sofia, October 1993, 24 p. (Dep. of Differential Equations)
- Karadzhov, G. E. Riesz summability of multiple Hermite series. Sofia, October 1993, 40 p. (Dep. of Differenrial Equations)
- Georgiev, Pando; Nadia Zlateva. Second-order subdifferentials of C’’’functions and optimality conditions. Sofia, October 1993, 22 p. (Dep. of Operations Research)
- Todorov, Maxim Ivanov. Kuratowski convergence of the efficient sets in the parametric linear vector semi-infinite optimization. Sofia, November 1993, 14 p. (Dep. of Operations Research)