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    Теоретично концептуален модел за достъпност: субектно-обектен модел

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Негослав Събев, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgaria,
    There are several views on the problems of people with disabilities, called 'models', but they address issues not so much of interaction as of different perspectives on attitudes towards people themselves and rather on perceptions of disability. However, none of them considers human interaction as a subject with a specific object. This article proposes a simplified theoretical conceptual model that considers the interaction between the person as a subject with a specific object, and is applicable to different subjects and objects in different contexts.
Ключови думи:
People with Disabilities; Conceptual Model; Theoretical Model; Subject; Object; Accessibility;
Цитиране (APA style):
Sabev, N. (2021). Theoretically Conceptual Model for Accessibility: Subject-Object Model, Science Series "Innovative STEM Education", volume 03, ISSN: 2683-1333, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, pp. 49-56, DOI:
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