Title page
(p. III)
In Memoriam: Blagovest Sendov
(p. V-VIII)
Scientific Program of the Conference
(pp. IX-XI)
Participants in the Conference CTF-2019
(pp. XII-XIII)
(p. XV)
U. Abel
Voronovskaja Type Theorems for Positive Linear Operators Related to Squared Fundamental Functions
(pp. 1-21)
A. M. Acu, M. Heilmann, I. Rasa
Linking Baskakov Type Operators
(pp. 23-38)
B. R. Draganov
Converse Estimates for the Simultaneous Approximation by Bernstein Polynomials with Integer Coefficients
(pp. 39-51)
I. Gadjev, R. Uluchev
Strong Converse Result for Weighted Approximation by Baskakov-Kantorovich Operator
(pp. 53-71)
K. G. Ivanov, P. Petrushev
Nonlinear Spline Approximation in BMO(R)
(pp. 73-112)
A. S. Jooste
A Note on Orthogonality and Mixed Recurrence Equations
(pp. 113-120)
T. Kilgore
Weighted Approximation with the Bernstein-Chlodovsky Operators
(pp. 121-130)
V. P. Kostov
Moduli of Roots of Hyperbolic Polynomials and Descartes' Rule of Signs
(pp. 131-146)
L. Milev, N. Naidenov
Further Results on the Zeros of the Derivative of Oscillating Polynomials with Laguerre Weight
(pp. 147-155)
J.-M. Mirebeau, F. Desquilbet
Worst Case and Average Case Cardinality of Strictly Acute Stencils for Two Dimensional Anisotropic Fast Marching
(pp. 157-180)
G. Nikolov
Some Inequalities for Chebyshev Polynomials
(pp. 181-193)
H.-J. Rack, R. Vajda
Explicit Solution, for n=6, to a Markov-type Extremal Problem Initiated by Schur
(pp. 195-219)
V. Totik
Polynomial Inequalities and Green's Functions
(pp. 221-239)