List of talks
Burman E., Ern A., Fernandez M. A.
Explicit Runge-Kutta Schemes and Finite Elements with
Symmetric Stabilization for First-Order Linear PDE Systems
Iliev O.P., Lazarov R.D., Willems J.
Numerical Upscaling of Flows in Highly Heterogeneous Porous Media
Parter S. |
Revisiting Preconditioning; an Interestnig Result and the Lessons Learned From It |
Dechevsky L.T. |
Generalized Expo-rational B-splines and Isogeometric Analysis |
Asenov A.
Advanced Monte Carlo Techniques in the Simulation of CMOS Devices and Circuits
Dimov I., Georgieva R.
Monte Carlo Method for Numerical Integration based on Sobol' Sequences
Magdics M., Szirmay-Kalos L., Toth B., Csendesi A., Penzov A.
Scatter Estimation for PET Reconstruction
In the special session on ENVIRONMENTAL MODELLING
Georgiev K., Zlatev Z. |
Specialized Sparse Matrices Solver in the Chemical Part of an Environmental Model |
Cotta C. |
Future Generation Memetic Algorithms |
Fuhrmann J., Gartner K., Ehrhardt M., Linke A., Langmach H., Zhao H. |
Numerical Modeling in Electrochemistry by Voronoi Finite Volume Methods |
Andreev A., Racheva M.
Postprocessing Techniques Using a Linear Nonconforming Finite Elements
Andreev A., Racheva M.
On the Integral Type Crouzeix-Raviart Nonconforming Finite Elements
Atanasova P. Kh., Boyadjiev T. L., Zemlyanaya E. V., Shukrinov Yu. M. |
Stability Analysis of Magnetic Flux in the LJJ Model with Double Sine-Gordon Equation |
Ayuso B., Georgiev I., Kraus J., Zikatanov L.
Preconditioning of DG FEM Elasticity Systems
Bencheva G.
On the Numerical Solution of a Chemotaxis System in Haematology
Boyadjiev T. L., Melemov H. T. |
Merger Bound States in $0-\pi$ Josephson Structures |
Boyanova P., Margenov S. |
Optimal Order Multilevel Solvers in a Projection Scheme for Navier-Stokes Equations |
Bradji A., Fuhrmann J. |
Some Error Estimates for the Discretization of Parabolic Equations on General Multidimensional Nonconforming Spatial Meshes |
Busa J., Busa jr. J., Hayryan E.
OpenCL Implementation of the Analytical Method for the Computation of the Accessible Surface Area and Excluded Volume of Overlapping Spheres
Chernogorova T., Valkov R.
Finite-Volume Difference Schemes for the Black-Sholes Equation in Stochastic Volatility Models
Christov C., Kolkovska N., Vasileva D.
On the Numerical Simulation of Unsteady Solutions for the 2D Boussinesq Paradigm Equation
Dechevsky L. T., Bang B., Kristoffersen A. R., Lakse A., Zanaty P. |
First Instances of Euler Beta-function B-splines and Simplicial Finite Elements on Triangulations |
Dechevsky L. T., Bang B., Lakse A., Bratlie J., Gundersen J. |
Solving Multidimensional Computational Geometric Problems on Graphics Processing Units |
Dechevsky L. T., Zanaty P. |
Generalized Expo-rational B-splines and Unconditionally Stable Explicit Finite Element
Methods for Initial-Value Problems for ODEs |
Dimova M., Dimova S.
Numerical Investigation of Self-similar Solutions of a Reaction Diffusion Equation in a Vicinity of Critical Parameters
Elkin N. N., Napartovich A. P., Vysotsky D. V. |
Bidirectorial Beam Propagation Method Applied for Lasers with Multilayer Active Medium |
Fuhrmann J., Linke A. |
On Finite Volume Methods for Coupled Flows on Delaunay Meshes and the Preservation of the Local Maximum Principle |
Guermond J.-L., Minev P.D.
A New Class of Fractional Step Techniques for the Incompressible
Navier-Stokes Equations using Direction Splitting
Georgiev I., Lymbery M., Margenov S.
Analysis of the Constant in the Strengthened Cauchy-Bunyakowski-Schwarz Inequality for Quadratic Finite Elements
Grote M., Mitkova T. |
High-Order Explicit Local Time-Stepping for Damped Wave Equations |
Hofreither C. |
A Non-Standard Finite Element Method Based on
Boundary Integral Operators |
Hokr M., Kopal J., Brezina J., Ralek P. |
Sensitivity of Results of the Water Flow Problem in a Discrete Fracture Network with Large Coefficient Differences |
Hristov I., Dimova S.
Fluxon dynamics in Stacked Josephson Junctions
Hristov V. H., Kyurkchiev N. V., Iliev A. I. |
Global Convergence Properties of the SOR-Weierstrass
Method |
Ishimura N., Koleva M. N., Vulkov L. G. |
Numerical Solution of a Nonlinear Evolution Equation for the Risk Preference |
Kandilarov J. D. , Vulkov R. L. |
A Numerical Approach for the American Call Option
Pricing Modell |
Karer E., Kraus J., Zikatanov L.
Auxiliary Space Preconditioner for a Locking-free Finite Element Approximation of the Linear Elasticity Problem
Koleva M. N., Vulkov L. G. |
A Numerical Study of a Parabolic Monge-Ampere Equation in Mathematical Finance |
Kolkovska N. |
Convergence of Finite Difference Schemes for a
Multidimensional Boussinesq Equation |
Lakse A. |
Evaluation of an Expo-rational B-spline for the Scalable Subset of Its Intrinsic-parameter Set |
Liolios A., Radev S.
A Numerical Approach for Obtaining Fragility Curves in Seismic Structural
Mechanics: A Bridge Case of Egnatia Motorway in Northern Greece
Lirkov I., Petrova S. |
Parallel Implementation of Elasticity Solvers in Material Science Applications |
Markovsky I. |
Affine Data Modeling by Low-Rank Approximation |
Manguoglu M., Cox E., Saied F., Sameh A. |
Parallel Computation of the Fiedler Vector and Solution of Large Sparse Linear Systems via Banded Preconditioners |
Martyushov S.N.
Numerical Simulation of Detonation Flows on the Basis of TVD-scheme
Meszaros C. |
On Some Properties of the Augmented Systems Arising in Interior Point Methods |
Michailidis P. D., Margaritis K. G. |
Experimental Study of Matrix Multiplication on MultiCore Processors |
Naidenov N., Kostadinova S.
Bicubic Spline Recovering of Smooth Surfaces on the Basis of Irregular Data
Nikolov G. P., Nikolov P. B.
Quadrature Formulae Based on Interpolation by Parabolic Splines
Petkov P. Hr., Konstantinov M. M., Christov N. D. |
Condition and Error Estimates in Kalman Filter Design |
Popov P., Efendiev Y., Gorb Y.
Multsacle Modeling of Poroelasticity in Highly Deformable Fractured Reservoirs
Radev S., Vitanov N. K. |
Application of Spectral Method for Investigation of the Profiles of the Optimum Fields for Variational Problems Connected to the Turbulent Thermal Convection |
Rao S. C. S., Kumar S.
An Efficient Numerical Method for a system of Singularly Perturbed Semilinear Reaction-Diffusion equations
Ralek P., Brezina J., Kopal J., Hokr, M. |
Water Flow Problem in Discrete Fracture Network - Algebraic Multigrid vs. Simplification of the Fracture Network |
Sa Esteves J.
Numerical Computation of High Order Derivatives of Erlang B and C Functions
Shamaev A.S., Gavrikov A.A., Knyazkov D.U. |
Some Spectral Problems of Porous Media Acoustics |
Skalna I. |
Interval Dependency and the Problem of Solving Parametric Linear Systems |
Stoykov S., Ribeiro P.
Forced Vibrations of 3D Beams with Large Amplitudes
Vitanov N. K. |
Numerical Investigation of the Upper Bounds on the
Convective Heat Trasport in a Heated From Below Rotating Fluid Layer |
Averina T. |
Monte Carlo Simulation of Inhomogeneous Poisson Ensembles |
Balaz V., Grozdanov V., Ristovska-Dimitrieva V.,
Strauch O., Stoilova S.
On the Mean Square Worst-Case Error of the Quasi-Monte
Carlo Integration in Weighted Sobolev Spaces
Dinis M. L., Fiuza A. |
Using Monte-Carlo Simulation for Risk Assessment: Application to Occupational Exposure During Remediation Works |
Ignac T., Sorger U. |
Message-Passing Algorithms in Markov Chains |
Genoff J. |
High Fidelity Finite Length Markov Chain Walks |
Lirkov I., Stoilova S.
The b-adic Diaphony as a Tool to Study Pseudo-randomness of Nets
Makarov A., Sverdlov V., Selberherr S. |
Modeling of the SET and RESET Process in Bipolar Resistive Oxide-Based Memory Using Monte Carlo Simulations |
Nedjalkov M., Selberherr S., Dimov I.
Stochastic Algorithm for Solving the Wigner-Boltzmann Correction Equation
Raleva K., Vasileska D., Goodnick S. M.
Modeling Thermal Effects in Fully-Depleted SOI Devices
with Arbitrary Crystallographic Orientation
Sabelfeld K., Mozartova N.
Sparsified Randomization Algorithms for the SVD based low rank approximations
Stefanov S.K.
Particle Monte Carlo Algorithms with Small Number of Partilces in Grid Cells
Vasileska D., Hossain A., Raleva K., Goodnick S. M.
Is Self-Heating Important in Nanowire FETs?
Bautu E., Barbulescu A. |
Mining Temperature Trends with GEP Ensembles |
Brechet T., Camacho C., Veliov V.
Global Warming and Economic Behaviour
Brezina J., Ralek P., Hokr M. |
Parallel Simulator of Multidimensional Fracture Flow and Transport |
Davitashvili T., Gordeziani D.
Mathematical Modelling of the Atmosphere Pollution with
Non-classic Boundary Conditions and Nested Grid
Dimitriu G., Stefanescu R.
Comparative Numerical Results in 4D-Var Data
Assimilation Problems Using POD Techniques
Dechevsky L. T., Gundersen J., Bang B. |
Computing n-Variate Orthogonal Wavelet Transforms on Graphics Processing Units II: Bijective Mapping Between the Local and Global Indices |
Dobrinkova N., Jordanov G., Mandel J. |
WRF-Fire Applied in Bulgaria |
Etropolska I., Prodanova M., Syrakov D., Ganev K., Miloshev N., Slavov K. |
Bulgarian Operative System for Chemical Weather Forecast |
Ganev K., Gadzhev G., Miloshev N., Jordanov G., Todoriva A., Syrakov D., Prodanova M. |
Atmospheric Composition Studies for the Balkan Region |
Liolios K., Radev S., Tsihrintzis V.
A Numerical Investigation for the Optimal Contaminant Inlet Positions in
Horizontal Subsurface Flow Wetlands
Ostromsky Tz., Dimov I., Havasi A., Farago I., Zlatev Z.
Richardson Extrapolated Numerical Methods for One-Dimensional Advection Schemes
Strunk A., Elbern H., Ebel A. |
Using Satellite Observations for Air Auality Assessment with an Inverse Model System |
Terziyski A. T., Kochev N. T. |
Distributed Software System for Data Evaluation and Numerical Simulations of Atmospheric Processes |
Vila M. C., Soeiro de Carvalho J., Fiuza A. |
Advanced Numerical Tools Applied to Geo-Environmental Engineering - Soils Contaminated by Petroleum Hydrocarbons, A Case Study |
Atanassov E., Durchova M.
Effcient GPU-based Generation of the Scrambled Halton
Atanassov E., Gurov T., Karaivanova A., Ivanovska S., Slavov D.
Efficient Gridification of Environmental Modeling Applications
Goranova R.
An Approach of Modeling ROOT Processes in Grid
Resteanu C., Trandafir R. |
Programming Problems with a Large Number of Objective Functions |
Spiridonov V., Syrakov D., Prodanova M., Bogachev A., Ganev K., Miloshev N., Jordanov G., Slavov K. |
First Results of See-Grid-Sci VO "Environment" Application CCIAQ |
Angelova M., Tzonkov S., Pencheva T. |
Genetic Algorithms Based Parameter Identification of Yeast Fed-Batch Cultivation |
Atanassova L., Atanassov K. |
Intuitionistic Fuzzy Interpretation of Conway's Game of Life |
Atanassova V. |
Ant Colony Optimization Approach to Tokens' Movement within Generalized Nets |
Barzinpour F., Moshref Javadi M., Bankian B. |
Minimizing Cost on Non-identical Parallel Machines Using a Hybrid Metaheuristic Method |
Bautu A., Luchian H. |
Protein Structure Prediction in the 2D HP Model Using Particle Swarm Optimization |
Ben Mabrouk N., Jarboui B., Eddaly M., Chabchoub H. |
A VNS Algorithm for the Integrated Production and Distribution Problem |
Berezowski R., Rajewska M., Maslennikow O. |
Algorithm to Find and Minimize Logic Function with T-Bloc |
Bessadok A., Hansen P., Rebai A. |
Optimization Local Search Using VNS Algorithm for Probabilistic Clustering |
Bouabda R., Jarboui B., Kammoun H. |
A Simulated Annealing Algorithm for the Shortest Loop Design Problem in a Block Layout |
Despaux F., Robledo F. |
Multi-Trip Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows and Heterogeneous Fleet |
Fidanova S., Marinov P., Atanassov K. |
Start Strategies of ACO Applied on Subset Problems |
Fidanova S., Marinov P., Atanassov K. |
Sensityvity Analysis of ACO Start Strategies for Subset Problems |
Fujimoto N., Tsutsui S. |
A Highly-Parallel TSP Solver for a GPU Computing Platform |
Hernandez M., Caceres J. J., Perez M. |
Forecasting the Composition of Demand for Higher Education Degrees by Genetic Algorithms |
Houda M.
Performances Assessement of the Scheduling Mechanism for the Management of the Quality Service (QOS) in ihe IP Network
Mili F., Rebai A. |
Constructive Evolutionary Neural Networks (CENNs) for Data Mining and Classification |
Pedroso J. P. |
Metaheuristics for the Asymmetric Hamiltonian Path |
Penev K., Ruzhekov A.
Adaptive Intelligence Applied to Numerical Optimisation
Ratuszniak P., Maslennikow O. |
Prosessor Arrays Design with the Use an Evolutionary Algorithm |
Roeva O., Slavov T. |
Fed-batch Cultivation Control Based on Genetic Algorithm PID Controller Tuning |
Ruzhekov A., Penev K.
Tool for Observation, Comparison and Analysis of Advanced Search Algorithms
Seredynski M., Bouvry P. |
Perspectives of a Selfish Behavior in Self-Policing Wireless Mobile Ad Hoc Network |
Simian D., Stoica F., Simian C. |
Evaluation of the Co-mutation Pperators in Optimization of Multiple SVM Kernels |
Skalna I., Duda J. |
A Comparison of Metaheurisitics for the Problem of Solving Parametric Interval Linear Systems |
Torrecilla-Pinero F., Torrecilla-Pinero J. A., Gomez-Pulido J. A., Vega-Rodriguez M. A., Sanchez-Perez J. M. |
Parameter Estimation for a Logistic Curve. An Example of Use in an Engineering Problem |
Zaidi M., Jarboui B., Loukil T. |
Hybrid Metaheuristics for Flexible Jobshop Scheduling Problem |
Zamfirache F., Frincu M., Zaharie D.
Population-based Metaheuristics for Tasks Scheduling in Heterogeneous Distributed Systems