Digital Marketing for the Benefit of Cultural and Historical Heritage
Mirena Todorova
pp. 80 - 85
Title: Digital Marketing for the Benefit of Cultural and Historical Heritage
Authors: Mirena Todorova

Abstract: The demo of the research shows how new digital media can not only be used for preserving the cultural and historical heritage of a country, but also be quite successful in promoting it and reaching the right audience in the right way.
It shows the current digital marketing tendencies and how they change the media, as well as the customers traveling process, understanding, researching and using the cultural and historical heritage.
Gathered data, observations and research shows examples of presenting cultural or historical heritage objects and places through digital tools and devices.

Keywords: Cultural and historical heritage, preservation and promotion, digital marketing, new online media

Received: 01-10-2016     Accepted: 01-12-2016     Published: 01-12-2016

Citation: Todorova, M. (2016). Digital Marketing for the Benefit of Cultural and Historical Heritage. Cultural and Historical Heritage: Preservation, Presentation, Digitalization (KIN Journal), 2(1), ISSN 2367-8038, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 80–85