Petko St. Petkov
pp. 05 - 13
Title: Historical View of some Objects from the Work of Master Kolyu Ficheto
Authors: Petko St. Petkov
Abstract: The report examines representative sites in the Tarnovo and the region, designed and built in the period from 1835 to the Liberation, representative of the work of the Revival master Nikola Fichev. Through the virtual tour the author suggests the idea that in addition to his proven qualities as an architect and master builder, Kolyo Ficheto impresses with his unobtrusive at first glance, but significant presence in the main Revival processes, prepared in the eighteenth but fully developed in the nineteenth century - simultaneously with the years of his life maturity.
Keywords: Cultural and Historical Objects; Cultural Tour; Architect and Master Kolyu Ficheto; Preservation; Presentation.
Received: 01-12-2014
Accepted: 22-12-2014
Published: 05-09-2015
Citation: Petkov, P. (2015). Historical View of some Objects from the Work of Master Kolyu Ficheto. Cultural and Historical Heritage: Preservation, Presentation, Digitalization (KIN Journal), 1(1), ISSN 2367-8038, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 05–13
Galina Bogdanova
pp. 14 - 28
Title: Interdisciplinary Aspects in Research for Preservation, Presentation and Digitalization of the Cultural-Historical and Scientific Heritage in the Veliko Tarnovo Region
Authors: Galina Bogdanova
Abstract: The article presents some interdisciplinary aspects of research related to digitization, preservation and presentation of cultural, historical and scientific heritage of the Veliko Tarnovo region. Some specific interdisciplinary research, developments and results achieved in the field of folklore, bells, the work of architect Kolyu Ficheto, the Balkan Wars, cultural tourism are discussed in detail. The interdisciplinary problems related to the digital presentation of knowledge, the ways of organization and presentation of information in the field of cultural and historical heritage for the region are studied. The challenges of working in interdisciplinary teams and the future perspectives for their growth into an interdisciplinary network (laboratory) for joint research in the field of cultural and historical heritage in the region of Veliko Tarnovo are analyzed.
Keywords: Digital Cultural and Historical Objects; Preservation; Presentation; Digitalization.
Received: 01-12-2014
Accepted: 22-12-2014
Published: 05-09-2015
Citation: Bogdanova, G. (2015). Interdisciplinary Aspects in Research for Preservation, Presentation and Digitalization of the Cultural-Historical and Scientific Heritage in the Veliko Tarnovo Region. Cultural and Historical Heritage: Preservation, Presentation, Digitalization (KIN Journal), 1(1), ISSN 2367-8038, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 14–28
Daniela Atanasova
pp. 29 - 33
Title: Electronic Archive of Documentary Heritage for the Balkan Wars
Authors: Daniela Atanasova
Abstract: The project aims to provide a broad national and international access to cultural and historical heritage related to the theme of the Balkan wars. WEB BASLib (software system) application for computer documentation and digitalization of monuments and historical records is a hi-tech policy to preserve and safeguard exhibits and boost museums’ publicity.
Keywords: Digital Cultural and Historical Objects; Software System; Preservation; Presentation; Digitalization.
Received: 01-12-2014
Accepted: 22-12-2014
Published: 05-09-2015
Citation: Atanasova, D. (2015). Electronic Archive of Documentary Heritage for the Balkan Wars. Cultural and Historical Heritage: Preservation, Presentation, Digitalization (KIN Journal), 1(1), ISSN 2367-8038, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 29-33
Mirko Robov
pp. 34 - 43
Title: Urban Planning in the Southeastern Sector of Trapezica
Authors: Mirko Robov
Abstract: The report presented a newly discovered feudal complex in the southeastern sector of Trapezitsa. As a planning solution, the complex is a large closed architectural ensemble, developed on two adjacent terraces west and southwest of the church №3. It occupies an area of about 3 decares and is the largest so far established in the capital. As a device and purpose there is a parallel with the boyar complex, north of the palace of Tsarevets. The church is a representative monument of the capital's cult architecture from the 12th-14th centuries. Cross dome according to plan, with rich frescoes and facade decoration. Two masonry tombs with marble lids were intended for high-ranking representatives of the capital's elite. The report presented the initial results of a newly opened church this season - church №2, views and steps for preservation and conservation of the discovered architectural remains the inhabitant of this ensemble.
Keywords: Archaeological Research; Cultural and Historical Objects; Preservation; Presentation.
Received: 01-12-2014
Accepted: 22-12-2014
Published: 05-09-2015
Citation: Robov, M. (2015). Urban Planning in the Southeastern Sector of Trapezica. Cultural and Historical Heritage: Preservation, Presentation, Digitalization (KIN Journal), 1(1), ISSN 2367-8038, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 34-43
Galina Bogdanova, Todor Todorov, Nikolay Noev
pp. 44 - 49
Title: Knowledge Base Management System and Their Application for Digital Object Ontologies
Authors: Galina Bogdanova, Todor Todorov, Nikolay Noev
Abstract: An ontological data model is presented in an archive containing a detailed description of the church bells. As an object of cultural heritage, the bell has common properties, such as geometric dimensions, weight, sound, as well as acoustic diagrams obtained with the help of modern technology. The article describes the capabilities of two ontological platforms (Protégé and OntoWiki) and their application for defining basic ontological objects and connections between them.
Keywords: Bells, Cultural Heritage, Knowledge Technologies.
Received: 01-12-2014
Accepted: 22-12-2014
Published: 05-09-2015
Citation: Bogdanova, G., Todorov, T., Noev, N. (2015). Knowledge Base Management System and Their Application for Digital Object Ontologies. Cultural and Historical Heritage: Preservation, Presentation, Digitalization (KIN Journal), 1(1), ISSN 2367-8038, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 44-49
Tihomir Stefanov
pp. 50 - 59
Title: Mobile Applications in Cultural Tourism. Mobile News Applications – Useful or Harmful?
Authors: Tihomir Stefanov
Abstract: The report examines free applications running the Android operating system that provide users with information about historical and cultural landmarks while traveling. Their advantages over the classic programs for GPS navigation are presented. Applications for regional and national sites included in the "100 national tourist sites" are considered. Their main possibilities, positive and negative characteristics are compared and described. The focus is on applications that do not need online internet navigation. The second part of the report presents news applications running on the Android operating system and providing the user with news from national and regional newspapers and news agencies. The applications are considered through the prism of the need for a "new digital model of the modern newspaper". An analysis of their usefulness from the point of view of news providers and users has been made.
Keywords: Mobile Applications; Android; Mobile Phones; Navigation; Excursions; Travel; News; Newspapers.
Received: 01-12-2014
Accepted: 22-12-2014
Published: 05-09-2015
Citation: Stefanov, T. (2015). Mobile Applications in Cultural Tourism. Mobile News Applications – Useful or Harmful? Cultural and Historical Heritage: Preservation, Presentation, Digitalization (KIN Journal), 1(1), ISSN 2367-8038, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 50-59
Paskal Piperkov
pp. 60 - 80
Title: Pilgrimage Routes in the Tarnovo Holy Forest
Authors: Paskal Piperkov
Abstract: The Holy Mountain of Tarnovo is a concept historically substantiated by the spiritual life of the region during the Middle Ages. The region is located in the area of the cultural corridor Eastern Trans-Balkan Road. The basis for the development of tourist routes is the existence today of 20 active monasteries in the Diocese of Veliko Tarnovo. The report reviews the opportunities for pilgrimage tourism in the Diocese of Veliko Tarnovo, examining the roads and paths for access to monasteries and chapels. The presented information can be a basis for the development of cultural routes and tourist packages. The research work will continue in the field.
Keywords: Tourist Pilgrimage Routes; Cultural and Historical Objects; Preservation; Presentation; Digitalization.
Received: 01-12-2014
Accepted: 22-12-2014
Published: 05-09-2015
Citation: Piperkov, P. (2015). Pilgrimage Routes in the Tarnovo Holy Forest. Cultural and Historical Heritage: Preservation, Presentation, Digitalization (KIN Journal), 1(1), ISSN 2367-8038, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 60-80
Pavel Hristov, Galina Bogdanova
pp. 81 - 89
Title: Interactive Cultural Map about Veliko Tarnovo Region and Presentation of Thematic Cultural Routes
Authors: Pavel Hristov, Galina Bogdanova
Abstract: Interactive methods for presenting sites of cultural, historical and scientific heritage of the Veliko Tarnovo region are presented. The problems related to the digital presentation of the knowledge about the historical and cultural landmarks and events in the region, the ways of organizing the information and its presentation to the user are studied. A specific implementation of a desktop and mobile application has been implemented through the eCity platform. The peculiarities of the software application related to its environment and mobility are considered. The possibilities for selection and presentation of new sites and categories thematically (specialized groups of sites united with a common theme) as a basis for thematic cultural routes in the tourism sector have been expanded.
Keywords: Interactive Digital Map; Cultural Routes; Preservation; Presentation; Digitalization.
Received: 01-12-2014
Accepted: 22-12-2014
Published: 05-09-2015
Citation: Hristov, P., Bogdanova, G. (2015). Interactive Cultural Map about Veliko Tarnovo Region and Presentation of Thematic Cultural Routes. Cultural and Historical Heritage: Preservation, Presentation, Digitalization (KIN Journal), 1(1), ISSN 2367-8038, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 81-89
Nikolay Noev
pp. 90 - 95
Title: Interdisciplinary 2D/3D Approaches for Digitalization of Cultural and Historical Heritage
Authors: Nikolay Noev
Abstract: The report presents the results of a reserch of methods for three-dimensional digitization of artifacts in the field of cultural and historical heritage, analyzed in detail the three-dimensional scanning of volumetric artifacts with "Structured Light" technology. A model of ontological description of culturally and historically valuable bells with the technology of the semantic web is presented.
Keywords: 3D Technology; Digital Cultural and Historical Objects; Preservation; Presentation; Digitalization.
Received: 01-12-2014
Accepted: 22-12-2014
Published: 05-09-2015
Citation: Noev, N. (2015). Interdisciplinary 2D/3D Approaches for Digitalization of Cultural and Historical Heritage. Cultural and Historical Heritage: Preservation, Presentation, Digitalization (KIN Journal), 1(1), ISSN 2367-8038, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 90-95
Iliya Valev
pp. 96 - 99
Title: Barracks Memories as Part of Bulgaria's Cultural and Military Historical Heritage
Authors: Iliya Valev
Abstract: The report raises the issue of the military-historical and cultural value of the memories of the barracks in the period after the Second World War - the time when the Bulgarian Army is entering a peacetime period of development. The issue is particularly relevant given that conscription, which has a strong influence on the development of our society and has left a lasting mark on it, has been abolished today. The importance of collecting military barracks memories is especially great. They are bearers of historical memory and national identity. The observations so far clearly show that the passage through the war is established in the Bulgarian national memory as a tradition that sets moral norms and rituals. And although this tradition has already been broken, it still serves as a model for the upbringing of the younger generations.
Keywords: Cultural and Historical Heritage; Preservation; Presentation.
Received: 01-12-2014
Accepted: 22-12-2014
Published: 05-09-2015
Citation: Valev, I. (2015). Barracks Memories as Part of Bulgaria's Cultural and Military Historical Heritage. Cultural and Historical Heritage: Preservation, Presentation, Digitalization (KIN Journal), 1(1), ISSN 2367-8038, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 96-99
Stefka Kancheva
pp. 100 - 113
Title: From Destruction towards to the Creation
Authors: Stefka Kancheva
Abstract: The non-traditional mobile exhibition "Destruction and Creation", dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the construction of the church "St. Spas" and the 100th anniversary of the devastating earthquake in Veliko Tarnovo. The exhibition is part of the project for complete digitization of the work of the Revival architect – "The Master and Time". Organizers are IMI – BAS and RIM V. Tarnovo, with the support of the Municipality of Veliko Tarnovo under the program "Veliko Tarnovo Region - Candidate for European Capital of Culture 2019" and with the kind assistance of the Historical Museum - Dryanovo, Historical Museum - Svishtov, Regional Historical museum - Lovech. Authors of the exhibition are Galya Chohadjieva (RIM - Veliko Tarnovo), Stefka Kancheva (VTU "St. St. Cyril and Methodius") – thematic exhibition plan; Galina Bogdanova (IMI-BAS), Nikolay Noev (IMI-BAS) – digitalization and computer design, Gencho Petkov – photography.
Keywords: Mobile Exhibition; Cultural and Historical Objects; Preservation; Presentation; Digitalization; Master Kolyu Ficheto.
Received: 01-12-2014
Accepted: 22-12-2014
Published: 05-09-2015
Citation: Kancheva, S. (2015). From Destruction towards to the Creation. Cultural and Historical Heritage: Preservation, Presentation, Digitalization (KIN Journal), 1(1), ISSN 2367-8038, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 100-113
Gabriela Yoncheva, Darina Ilieva, Daniela Atanasova
pp. 114 - 125
Title: Bulgarian Academy of Sciences - Past and Present
Authors: Gabriela Yoncheva, Darina Ilieva, Daniela Atanasova
Abstract: In 2014, according to an old and established tradition, the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences /BAS/ celebrated its next anniversary. Celebration is always about looking back at history, but it also brings us closer to current issues. The Bulgarian Academy of Sciences is one of the symbols of modern Bulgaria. During all the difficult but rich in content stages of its existence, the Academy develops and strengthens by following the democratic and patriotic covenants of its founders, preserving its original character as a spiritual center and temple of Bulgarian enlightenment. The celebration of the jubilee thematically recreates with documents the most important moments in the history of BLS (Bulgarian Literary Society), its growth into BAS, as well as its further development as a national research center with international recognition. BAS continues to carry out its research and public activities in accordance with "universal human values, national traditions and interests" and to promote "multiplication of the spiritual and material values of the nation" (Statute of BAS, 1997). Nowadays, when the complex processes of globalization are taking place, BAS authoritatively presents to the world Bulgaria and its science and proves that we have always been and will be an integral part of Europe.
Keywords: Exhibilition; Cultural and Historical Heritage; Preservation; Presentation.
Received: 01-12-2014
Accepted: 22-12-2014
Published: 05-09-2015
Citation: Yoncheva, G., Ilieva, D., Atanasova, D. (2015). Bulgarian Academy of Sciences - Past and Present. Cultural and Historical Heritage: Preservation, Presentation, Digitalization (KIN Journal), 1(1), ISSN 2367-8038, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 114-125