Cultural and Historical Heritage: Preservation, Presentation, Digitalization (ISSN: 2367-8038)
Volume 4, Issue 1, 2018
Institutionalised Heritage in 21 Century. Digitalization Methodology and e-Being
Kalina Sotirova-Valkova
pp. 155 - 166
Title: Institutionalised Heritage in 21 Century. Digitalization Methodology and e-BeingAuthors: Kalina Sotirova-Valkova Abstract: Digital cultural heritage is a phenomenon that provokes a serious interdisciplinary discourse on identity, science, politics and technology. Movable and immovable cultural assets, preserved in memory institutions (libraries, museums, galleries and community centers) influenced by digital technologies and communications, require a new "reading". This "reading" should be in a wider historical, geographic and research context. Digitization process provides such wide research and educational context for heritage artefacts by providing access to the e-objects it creates. However, a unified methodology for the digitization of artifacts is lacking in our country, and the purpose of this paper is to explain and fill this gap, based on the acquired author's experience in dialogue with Bulgarian museums and in comparison with good European practices. The e-being of Bulgarian heritage, preserved in museums, can have many possible applications, not only in education and tourism, but also in exposition activities and on-line museum presence. The paper examines the conditions for making them possible, namely: adequate, long-term and sustainable national and museum policy and a proven methodology of digitization. Keywords: Cultural Heritage, Meta-narrative, Digitization, Methodology Received: 01-05-2018 Accepted: 30-05-2018 Published: 30-05-2018 Citation: Sotirova-Valkova, K. (2018). Institutionalised Heritage in 21 Century. Digitalization Methodology and e-Being. Cultural and Historical Heritage: Preservation, Presentation, Digitalization (KIN Journal), 4(1), ISSN 2367-8038, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 155–166 |