The Forgotten Knowledge - Shoemaking Tools from Old Time
Iliya Valev, Rositsa Bineva
pp. 204 - 234
Title: The Forgotten Knowledge - Shoemaking Tools from Old Time
Authors: Iliya Valev, Rositsa Bineva

Abstract: The article is a result of good collaboration between representatives of two separate institutions engaged with the research, preservation and promotion of cultural and historical heritage. The text presents shoemaking tools that with the time become obsolete and now are no longer in use in the craft. This way they are not only "forgotten" by the modern shoemakers but it is also very difficult to be identified as purpose and function. The idea of the authors is to share their experience during the research and systematization of the facts, that go along with the identification of the objects, that are becoming a part of the museums funds. How the maximum information is benefited with the help of the experts, craftsman and other specialists to rediscover the function of those instruments and their meaning as a cultural valuables.

Keywords: Shoemaking, Tools, Cultural Heritage, Crafty

Received: 01-11-2020     Accepted: 14-12-2020     Published: 14-12-2020

Citation: Valev, I., Bineva, R. (2020). The Forgotten Knowledge - Shoemaking Tools from Old Time. Cultural and Historical Heritage: Preservation, Presentation, Digitalization (KIN Journal), 6(2), ISSN 2367-8038, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 204–234. DOI: