Current Events and Processes Affecting the Vision of the Classical Wall Painting Technique "Secco"
Plamen Kondov
pp. 108 - 124
Title: Current Events and Processes Affecting the Vision of the Classical Wall Painting Technique "Secco"
Authors: Plamen Kondov

Abstract: The report presents problems related to scaling, project transfer, and the creation of murals in the art. The positive and negative aspects of the methods used so far are discussed. The main part offers modern technological tools to make the process easier. Examples are innovations such as "Robospray", Vertical plotter and Vertical printer. Their pluses and disadvantages are considered. The effects of the penetration of new instruments and their influence on the visual looks on the secco technique are investigated. There is a proposal for a new form a monumental work - the Augmented Reality. The problems of such a work and the circumstances in which the use of this form is justified are discussed. The conclusion highlighted the need to rethink the meaning of the term: mural painting, due to the latest scientific discoveries concerning matter. Also problems related to the value of the monumental works in the sphere of mural painting.

Keywords: Secco, Mural Painting, Robospray, Vertical Plotter, Vertical Printer, Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality

Received: 05-06-2021     Accepted: 11-06-2021     Published: 29-06-2021

Citation: Kondov, P. (2021). Current Events and Processes Affecting the Vision of the Classical Wall Painting Technique "Secco". Cultural and Historical Heritage: Preservation, Presentation, Digitalization (KIN Journal), 7(1), ISSN 2367-8038, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 108–124. DOI: