Digital Three-Dimensional Reconstruction of an Old House in the Town of Sungurlare from the Architectural Archive at the Institute of Art Studies
Dimitrina Popova
pp. 21 - 34
Title: Digital Three-Dimensional Reconstruction of an Old House in the Town of Sungurlare from the Architectural Archive at the Institute of Art Studies
Authors: Dimitrina Popova

Abstract: This research is dedicated to preserving and studying architectural memory. The attention is focused on the architectural archive at the Institute of Art Studies at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences where a cultural architectural heritage is collected over decades. Specifically, research interest is towards the collections in fund "Drawings and Surveys" conducted on the case study of a 19th century house of the Hrusanovi brothers in the town of Sungurlare. The building was depicted in plans and facades on paper 60 years ago. In development the knowledge on this old architecture is boosted by transforming it into a digital three-dimensional structure through two software applications. The analysis consists of reading of the archived drawings in the context of reconstruction and achieving a high level of authenticity in it.

Keywords: Architecture; 3D Software; Architectural Heritage; Drawing; House.

Received: 10-10-2022     Accepted: 14-11-2022     Published: 26-12-2022

Citation: Popova, D. (2022). Digital Three-Dimensional Reconstruction of an Old House in the Town of Sungurlare from the Architectural Archive at the Institute of Art Studies. Cultural and Historical Heritage: Preservation, Presentation, Digitalization (KIN Journal), 8(2), ISSN 2367-8038, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 21–34. DOI: