Seminar of Algebra and Logic
Department of Algebra and Logic, IMI/BAS

Usual time: Fridays, 1 pm. Usual location (for non-online meetings): room 578, IMI/BAS


Here is the official site of the conference "Trends in Combinatorial Ring Theory",
organized by the Department of Algebra and Logic in the period September 20-24, 2021.
Videos from this conference can be watched here.


Upcoming meetings

Past meetings

December 16, 9:55 am


2022 Annual Report Session of the Department of Algebra and Logic
Hybrid Event in Room 578 of IMI-BAS and via Zoom
Program and Slides
Video 1, Video 2, Video 3

December 9


Veselin Filev (IMI-BAS, Bulgaria)
AdS/CFT Correspondence, Metropolis-Hastings algorithm and Generative Adversarial Networks
Online Seminar via Zoom

December 9, 2 pm


Peter Dalakov (AUBG and IMI-BAS, Bulgaria)
Hitchin base: Seiberg-Witten differentials and their derivatives
Online Seminar via Zoom

December 2


Dimitrinka Vladeva (IMI-BAS, Bulgaria)
Derivations of upper triangular matrix rings
Derivations of upper triangular matrix semirings

Video, Slides

November 25


Roussanka Loukanova (IMI-BAS, Bulgaria)
Logic Operators and Quantifiers in Type-Theory of Algorithms
Online Seminar via Zoom

October 28


Dimitar Guelev (IMI-BAS, Bulgaria)
Gabbay Separation for the Duration Calculus
Online Seminar via Zoom

October 21


Jörg Koppitz (IMI-BAS, Bulgaria) (joint work with S. Worawiset)
Ranks and Presentations for Order-Preserving Transformations with One Fixed Point

October 14


Hristo Iliev (AUBG and IMI-BAS, Bulgaria)
Families of triple coverings of algebraic curves
Hybrid Seminar in Room 578 of IMI-BAS and via Zoom

September 23


Nikolay M. Nikolov (INRNE-BAS, Bulgaria)
Geometry and logic in quantum computations
Seminar in Room 578 of IMI-BAS

September 16, 2 pm


Alaa Abouhalaka (Çukurova University, Adana, Turkey)
Almost Prime Ideal and Almost Prime Radical
Video, Slides

September 9


Naijun Zhan (Institute of Software Chinese Academy of Sciences ISCAS, China)
Taming delays in cyber-physical systems
Video, Slides

August 19


Hristo Iliev (AUBG and IMI-BAS, Bulgaria)
Examples of non-reduced components of the Hilbert Scheme of smooth projective curves using ruled surfaces
Hybrid Seminar in room 578 of IMI-BAS and via Zoom

July 29


Petar Iliev (IPS-BAS and IMI-BAS, Bulgaria)
Modal Descriptive Complexity

July 1


Ljubomir Borissov (IMI-BAS, Bulgaria)
On the parity of the coefficients of minimal polynomial of Kloosterman sums over F_p
Online Seminar via Zoom

June 24


Roussanka Loukanova (IMI-BAS, Bulgaria)
Dependent-Type Theory of Situated Information with Context Assessments

June 10, 4 pm


Plamen Koev (San José State University, USA)
Computing Eigenvectors of Symmetric Tridiagonals with the Correct Number of Sign Changes
Video, Slides

May 20, 4 pm


Ivailo Hartarsky (Université Paris-Dauhpine, PSL, France, visiting scholar at Instituto de Matemática Pura e Aplicada, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
Bootstrap percolation: merging operations for polytopes
Video, Slides

May 13


Diego García-Lucas (Universidad de Murcia, Spain)
A counterexample to the modular isomorphism problem
Video, Slides

April 29, 4 pm


Thiago Castilho de Mello (Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Brazil)
Images of multilinear polynomials on upper triangular matrices
Video, Slides

April 15


Alexander V. Mikhailov (University of Leeds, UK)
Quantisation of free associative dynamical systems

April 1


Altyngul Naurazbekova (Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan)
Automorphisms of simple quotients of the Poisson and universal enveloping algebras of sl_2
Video, Slides

March 25


Dimitar Guelev (IMI-BAS, Sofia, Bulgaria)
An Application of Separation in Discrete Time Interval Temporal Logic to Branching Time
Video, Slides

March 18, 4 pm


Ece Yetkin Celikel (Hasan Kalyoncu University, Turkey)
Absorbing ideal structures of commutative rings

March 11, 2 pm


Carsten Schneider (Research Institute for Symbolic Computation, Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austia)
Multi-summation in difference rings and applications
Video, Slides

February 25


Valentin Iliev (IMI-BAS, Sofia, Bulgaria)
On the Degree of Dependence of Two Events as a Relative Invariant of the Dihedral Group of Order 8

February 18, 4 pm


Vesselin Drensky (IMI-BAS, Sofia, Bulgaria)
The Bulgarian Solitaire and Other Games on Partitions
Video, Slides

February 11


Yana Rumenova, Tinko Tinchev (FMI, Sofia University, Bulgaria)
Modal definability of some classes of modal products
The talk will be presented by Yana Rumenova
Video, Slides

January 28


Vesselin Drensky
Bicommutative algebras from commutative point of view
Video, Slides

January 21


Tatyana Todorova (FMI, Sofia University, Bulgaria)
On the distribution of αp modulo one for primes p=aq^2+1 with prime q
Online Seminar via Zoom

January 14, 10 am


World Logic Day 2022
Joint Meeting with the Seminar of the Department of Mathematical Logic and Its Applications of the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics of Sofia University, the Seminar of Logic at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of BAS, and the Department of Artificial Intelligence and Language Technologies of the Institute of Information and Communication Technologies of BAS
Online Event via Zoom

January 7


Antoni Rangachev (IMI-BAS)
A valuation theorem for Noetherian rings



Meetings in 2021


Meetings in 2020


Meetings in 2019


Meetings in 2018


Meetings in 2017


Meetings in 2016


Meetings in 2015


Meetings in 2014

Meetings in 2013

Meetings in 2012

Meetings in 2011


Latest update: December 19, 2022.

Department of Algebra and Logic, IMI/BAS

Page maintained by Elitza Hristova, Dimitar P. Guelev.