Need for Postdigitalization in (South) Africa: Role(s) of Education Leaders
Chinaza Uleanya
стр. 11 - 23
Заглавие: Need for Postdigitalization in (South) Africa: Role(s) of Education Leaders
Автори: Chinaza Uleanya

Абстракт: Considering the debate on preference between digitalization and postdigitalization, this study which is a concept note is undertaken. This is in attempt to explore the roles of education leaders if postdigitalization is to be preferred and promoted. Digitalization which is characterised by high technology use is regarded as tool for repair and solution to prevailing challenges such as inequality, unemployment, poverty, among others tends not to be experienced optimally as envisaged. Meanwhile, one of its major drivers remains the education sector. Conversely, the concept of Ubuntu which is used to express brotherhood remains a major phenomenon in the African continent. Thus, the need to consider postdigitalization as a remedy towards harnessing some of the benefits of digitalization together with those of Ubuntu. This is majorly because in postdigitalization more of the focus remains on humans which is the case with Ubuntu compared to digitalization which considers technology more than people.

Ключови думи: Digitalization, Education Leaders, Postdigitalization, Ubuntu.

Получена: 22-05-2023     Приета: 15-06-2023     Публикувана: 30-06-2023

Цитиране: Uleanya, Ch. (2023). Need for Postdigitalization in (South) Africa: Role(s) of Education Leaders. Cultural and Historical Heritage: Preservation, Presentation, Digitalization (KIN Journal), 9(1), ISSN 2367-8038, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 11–23. DOI: