Title page
(p. i)
Participants in the Conference CTF-2005
(pp. ii-vii)
Scientific Program of the Conference
(pp. viii-xi)
(pp. xii-xiii)
U. Abel and M. Ivan
Enhanced Asymptotic Approximation and Approximation of Truncated Functions by Linear Operators
(pp. 1-10)
A. Andreev and M. Nikoltjeva-Hedberg
Averaged Moduli of Smoothness on the Plane and Runge-Kutta Methods
(pp. 11-21)
R. Anguelov
LULU Operators and Locally $\delta$-monotone Approximations
(pp. 22-34)
R. Anguelov, S. Markov and Bl. Sendov
Algebraic Operations on the Space of Hausdorff Continuous Interval Functions
(pp. 35-44)
I. Asekritova and N. Krugljak
Interpolation of Besov and Sobolev Spaces in the Non-diagonal Case
(pp. 45-50)
C. de Boor
What Are the Limits of Lagrange Projectors?
(pp. 51-63)
F.-J. Delvos
Mean Square Approximation by Minimum Norm Interpolation
(pp. 64-72)
D. K. Dimitrov
Interpolation of Rational Functions on a Geometric Mesh
(pp. 73-79)
B. R. Draganov and K. G. Ivanov
A Characterization of Weighted $L_p$-Approximations by the Gamma and the Post-Widder Operators
(pp. 80-87)
B. R. Draganov and K. G. Ivanov
Characterizations of Weighted K-Functionals and Their Application
(pp. 88-97)
P. Enflo
Minimal Points and Contractive Projections
(pp. 98-103)
Á. Fekete
A Characterization of the Existence of Statistical Limit of Measurable Functions
(pp. 104-112)
G. Gát
On Convergence Properties of Logarithmic Means of Walsh-Fourier Series
(pp. 113-120)
I. Gavrea
About a Result of Tiberiu Popoviciu
(pp. 121-126)
I. Georgieva and S. Ismail
On Recovering of a Bivariate Polynomial from Its Radon Projections
(pp. 127-134)
A. Goncharov
Leja Points for Cantor-Type Sets
(pp. 135-144)
H. Gonska, D. Kacsó and P. Piţul
On Rational B-Spline Functions
(pp. 145-157)
M. Heilmann
Eigenfunctions and Eigenvalues for Some Durrmeyer-Type Operators
(pp. 158-167)
M. Ivan and U. Abel
A Pompeiu-Type Mean-Value Theorem
(pp. 168-175)
I. Krasikov
Sharp Inequalities for Hermite Polynomials
(pp. 176-182)
Y. Malykhin
Inequalities for Pseudo-Dimension Widths
(pp. 183-186)
L. Milev and N. Naidenov
Weighted Markov Inequalities on Infinite Intervals
(pp. 187-193)
N. Naidenov
On the Markov Inequality for Tchebycheff Systems
(pp. 194-200)
G. Nikolov
Polynomial Inequalities of Markov and Duffin-Schaeffer Type
(pp. 201-246)
I. Nikolova
On the Discriminants of the Hypergeometric Polynomials from the Askey Scheme
(pp. 247-256)
M. A. Qazi and Q. I. Rahman
Behaviour of Trigonometric Polynomials with Only Real Zeros Near a Critical Point
(pp. 257-266)
B. Shekhtman and L. Skrzypek
Geometric Aspects of Minimal Projections onto Planes
(pp. 267-277)
Yu. N. Subbotin and S. A. Telyakovskii
Relative Widths of Classes of Differentiable Functions and Splines
(pp. 278-282)