Title page
Obituary - Vasil Atanasov Popov
by K. G. Ivanov, P. Petrushev and Bl. Sendov (pp. iii-vii)
List of the scientific papers of Vasil Atanasov Popov
(pp. viii-xii)
(pp. xiii-xiv)
List of the Participants in the Conference CTF-1991
(pp. xv-xviii)
P. Binev, K. Jetter
Euler Splines from 3-directional Box Splines
(pp. 1-8)
J. Burkett, A. K. Varma
Lacunary Interpolation by Splines (0,1,2,4) case
(pp. 9-17)
B. Büttgenbach, P. Lünebach, G. Lüttgens, R. J. Nessel
Error Bounds for Compound Quadrature Rules in the Space of Riemann Integrable Functions
(pp. 19-29)
D. Castellanos, W. E. Rosenthal
Rational Chebyshev Approximations of Analytic Functions
(pp. 31-69)
Z. Ciesielski
Modulus of Smoothness of the Brownian Paths in the $L^p$ Norms
(pp. 71-75)
C. Cottin
A Jackson-type Theorem on Approximation by Bounded Trigonometric Blending Polynomials
(pp. 77-83)
C. Cottin, H. H. Gonska
A Note on Global Smoothness Preservation by Boolean Sum Operators
(pp. 85-91)
G. Criscuolo, B. Della Vecchia, G. Mastroianni
Hermite Interpolation on Two New Nodes Matrices
(pp. 93-98)
F. J. Delvos
On Salzer's Approach to Trigonometric Hermite Interpolation
(pp. 99-103)
T. Dimov
Error Estimates of the Lowest Order Mixed Finite Element Method on Grids with Regular Local Refinement
(pp. 105-114)
K. A. Driver, D. S. Lubinsky, G. Petruska
IrregularDistribution of $\{n\beta\}, n=1,2,3,...$ and Curious Basic Hypergeometric Series
(pp. 115-122)
D. P. Dryanov
Equiconvergence and Equiapproximation for Entire Functions
(pp. 123-136)
M. I. Dyachenko
Some Properties of Monotone Functions of Several Variables
(pp. 137-142)
D. Grozev, N. Vladov
On the Multivariate Spline Approximation in C-metric
(pp. 143-155)
H. P. Heinig, R. Johnson
Necessary Conditions for Fourier-Hankel Multipliers
(pp. 157-163)
I. Ivanov
On $L_p$-approximants and Meromorphic Continuation of Functions
(pp. 165-171)
L. M. Kocić, S. D. Marinković
Triangular Constructive Algorithms
(pp. 173-181)
D. S. Lubinsky, P. Rabinowitz
Hermite-Fejer Interpolation for Weights on the Whole Real Line
(pp. 183-192)
E. I. Milovanovic, M. K. Stojcev, I. Z. Milovanovic
Real-Number Codes for Fault-Tolerat Matrix Inversion on Processor Arrays
(pp. 193-202)
P. Oswald
On Discrete Norm Estimates Related to Multilevel Preconditioners in the Finite Element Method
(pp. 203-214)
G. M. Phillips
More Applicable Error Estimates for Quadrature Rules
(pp. 215-218)
N. Popa
A Gamlen-Gaudet Type Theorem in the Unconditional Part of $L_\infty(0,1)$ with respect to the Haar System
(pp. 219-234)
Q. I. Rahman, G. Schmeisser
Characterization of Functions in Terms of Rate of Convergence of a Quadrature Process III
(pp. 235-242)
K. Reczek, M. Simkani
On Rational Approximation of Meromorphic Functions
(pp. 243-248)
E. B. Saff, H. Stahl
Sequences in the Walsh Table for $|x|^\alpha$
(pp. 249-257)
B. Shekhtman
Some Simple Open Problems on Interpolation of Individual Functions
(pp. 259-268)
M. D. Takev
On the Theorem of Whitney-Sendov
(pp. 269-275)
R. Uluchev
Geometric Birkhoff Interpolation with Parametric Quadratic Splines
(pp. 277-283)
H. Wallin
Self Similarity, Markov's Inequality and d-Sets
(pp. 285-297)
Z. Wronicz
On Approximation by Chebyshevian Splines
(pp. 299-306)
S. B. Yakubovich, Y. F. Luchko
The Convolutional Method for the Constructing of Integral Analogs of Leibniz Rule
(pp. 307-317)