Title page
(p. i)
Participants in the Conference CTF-2002
(pp. ii-xi)
Scientific Program of the Conference
(pp. xii-xviii)
(pp. xix-xxii)
Part 1. Plenary Lectures
H. A. Hakopian
A Multivariate Analog of Fundamental Theorem of Algebra and Hermite Interpolation
(pp. 1-18)
A. Kroó
Classical Polynomial Inequalities in Several Variables
(pp. 19-32)
P. Petrushev
Nonlinear $n$-term Approximation from Hierarchical Spline Bases
(pp. 33-85)
D. P. Dryanov, M. A. Qazi, Q. I. Rahman
Entire Functions of Exponential Type in Approximation Theory
(pp. 86-135)
P. Wojtaszczyk
Greedy Type Bases in Banach Spaces
(pp. 136-155)
Y. Xu
Orthogonal Expansions and Weighted Approximation on the Unit Sphere
(pp. 156-177)
Part 2. Contributed Talks
F. G. Abdullayev
On Some Properties of Orthogonal Polynomials over an Area with a Weight Having Singularity on the Boundary Contour
(pp. 178-183)
U. Abel, M. Ivan
The Complete Asymptotic Expansion for the Gamma Operators and Their Left Quasi-Interpolants
(pp. 184-189)
V. V. Arestov
Exact Jackson Inequality in $L_2$
(pp. 190-197)
N. D. Atreas
Wavelet Decomposition and Sampling for $p$-adic Multiresolution Analysis
(pp. 198-204)
V. Babenko, Yu. Babenko
About Kolmogorov Type Inequalities for Functions Defined on a Half Line
(pp. 205-208)
V. Babenko, N. Korneichuck, S. Pichugov
On Kolmogorov Type Inequalities for the Norms of Intermediate Derivatives of Functions of Many Variables
(pp. 209-212)
H.-P. Blatt, R. Grothmann, R. Kovacheva
Alternation Points in Rational Chebyshev Approximation
(pp. 213-218)
H.-P. Blatt, R. Grothmann, R. Kovacheva
Discrepancy Estimates and Rational Chebyshev Approximation
(pp. 219-224)
S. Boumova, P. Boyvalenkov, D. Danev
New Nonexistence Results for Spherical Designs
(pp. 225-232)
F.-J. Delvos
On Martensen Splines
(pp. 233-238)
O. A. Dovgoshey, L. L. Potomkina
Analyticity of Moduli of Continuity
(pp. 239-244)
B. R. Draganov
A New Modulus of Smoothness for Trigonometric Polynomial Approximation
(pp. 245-250)
D. P. Dryanov
On the Disribution of the Zeros of an Entire Function of Exponential Type
(pp. 251-258)
T. Eisner
Walsh-Fourier Series with Respect to Weights
(pp. 259-266)
N. L. Fernández, J. Prestin
Localization of the Spherical Gauss-Weierstrass Kernel
(pp. 267-274)
M. Fornasier
Decompositions of Hilbert Spaces: Local Construction of Global Frames
(pp. 275-281)
I. Gavrea
A Quadratic Spline of Sendov Type
(pp. 282-287)
L. Gori, E. Santi
Refinable Quasi-Interpolatory Operators
(pp. 288-294)
M. Heilmann
Commutativity of Durrmeyer-Type Modifications of Meyer-König and Zeller and Baskakov-Operators
(pp. 295-301)
Á. P. Horváth
Jackson Order of Approximation by Riesz Means for Freud Weights
(pp. 302-308)
A. Il'inskii, S. Ostrovska
Convergence of Generalized Bernstein Polynomials Based on the $q$-Integers
(pp. 309-313)
M. Ivan, U. Abel
A Pompeiu-Type Mean-Value Theorem and Divided Differences
(pp. 314-319)
K. G. Ivanov
Characterization of Weighted $K$-functionals by New Moduli of Smoothness
(pp. 320-326)
K. Jetter, G. Zimmermann
Constructing Polynomial Surfaces from Vector Subdivision Schemes
(pp. 327-332)
K. Kitahara, F. Shimizu, Y. Udagawa
On Estimations of the Norms of the Lagrange Interpolation Operators
(pp. 333-338)
U. Luther
A Note on Simultaneous Approximation
(pp. 339-346)
S. De Marchi, M. Vianello
Fast Evaluation of Discrete Integral Transforms by Chebyshev and Leja Polynomial Approximation
(pp. 347-353)
Ž. Mijajlović, D. Uroŝević
An Algorithm for Recognition of Linear Surfaces
(pp. 354-361)
L. Milev
A Weighted Markov's Inequality on the Real Line
(pp. 362-365)
R. Păltănea
Vector Variants of Some Approximation Theorems of Korovkin and of Sendov and Popov
(pp. 366-373)
M. Pap
Properties of Discrete Rational Orthonormal Systems
(pp. 374-379)
G. Petrova
Cubature Formulae for the Sphere and the Ball in $\mathbb{R}^n$
(pp. 380-384)
B. Popov
Entropic Schemes for Conservation Laws
(pp. 385-390)
F. Schipp
Orthogonal Product Systems of Rational Functions
(pp. 391-396)
G. Schmeisser
Majorization of Zeros of Polynomials
(pp. 397-403)
W. Sickel
Approximate Recovery of Functions and Besov Spaces of Dominating Mixed Smoothness
(pp. 404-411)
M. S. Stanković, P. M. Rajković, S. D. Marinković
Solving Equations by $q$-iterative Methods and $q$-Sendov Conjecture
(pp. 412-418)
L. Szili
On Uniform Summability of Discrete (Interpolatory) Processes
(pp. 419-424)
S. Tashev
Chebyshev Rational Functions
(pp. 425-432)
Ž. Tomovski
Some New Integrability Classes of Fourier Coefficients
(pp. 433-439)
R. Uluchev
On a Conjecture of Polynomial Zeros
(pp. 440-445)
K. Vlachkova
Scattered Data Interpolation in $\mathbb{R}^3$ by Smooth Curve Networks
(pp. 446-452)