Title page
(pp. 5-8)
Andrienko, V. A.
On the Rate of Approximation of Functions by Multiple Orthogonal Series
(pp. 9-16)
Angelos, J., M. Henry, E. Kaufman Jr., T. Lenker
Bounds for Extended Local Lipschitz Constants
(pp. 17-26)
Barrar, R. B., H. L. Loeb
A Variational Approach to Monosplines
(pp. 27-32)
Baszenski, G., F.-J. Delvos
A Variant of the Krylov-Lanczos Method for Bivariate Trigonometric Interpolation
(pp. 33-39)
Belyi, V. I.
On Hölder Continuity of the Riemann Mapping Function
(pp. 40-46)
Bernát, S.
A Mean Value Theorem in Metric Spaces
(pp. 47-49)
Binev, P. G.
Error Estimate for Box Spline Interpolation
(pp. 50-55)
Blatt, H.-P., G. G. Lorentz
On a theorem of Kadec
(pp. 56-64)
Bracalova, M.
On Asymptotic Behaviour of Some Conformal Strip Mappings
(pp. 65-71)
de Bruin, M. G.
A Two-Point Padé Table and a Padé-2-Table
(pp. 72-78)
Ciesielski, Z.
Local Spline Approximation and Nonparametric Density Estimation
(pp. 79-84)
Collatz, L., Qinghua Zheng
Approximations of Singularities at Corners with Different Angles
(pp. 85-91)
Criscuolo, G., G. Mastroianni
On the Approximation of the Derivatives of P.V. Integrals
(pp. 92-96)
Delvos, F.-J.
Mean Approximation via Interpolation by Translation
(pp. 97-103)
Delvos, F.-J., H. Nienhaus
Even Alternating Spline Quadrature Formulas
(pp. 104-109)
DeVore, R. A., V. A. Popov
Interpolation of Approximation Spaces
(pp. 110-119)
Donchev, T. D.
Stability Results for a Class of Nonlinear Differential Inclusions in Banach Spaces
(pp. 120-126)
Dontchev, A. L., E. M. Farkhi
An Averaged Modulus of Continuity for Multivalued Maps and Its Applications to Differential Inclusions
(pp. 127-131)
Dryanov, D.
On a Gaussian Quadrature Formula for Entire Functions of Exponential Type
(pp. 132-137)
Galeev, E. M.
Approximation of Periodic Functions of One and Several Variables
(pp. 138-144)
Gilewicz, J., B. Truong-Van
Froissart Doublets in the Pade Approximation and Noise
(pp. 145-151)
Gmelig Meyling, R. H. J.
On Interpolation by Bivariate Quintic Splines of Class $C^2$
(pp. 152-161)
Goetgheluck, P.
On a Polynomial Inequality Connected with the Multivariate Markov Inequality
(pp. 162-165)
Goodman, T. N. T., A. Sharma
A Modified Bernstein-Schoenberg Operator
(pp. 166-173)
Gröchenig, K.
Unconditional Bases in Translation and Dilation Invariant Function Spaces on $R^n$
(pp. 174-183)
Grozev, G., R. Uluchev
A Problem on Blashke Products
(pp. 184-189)
Guo, S. S., L. C. Hsu
Some Inverse Theorems for a Certain Special Class of Operators
(pp. 190-193)
Gurka, P., B. Opic
A Note on n-Dimensional Hardy's Inequality
(pp. 194-196)
Heilmann, M.
Commutativity of Operators from Baskakov-Durrmeyer Type
(pp. 197-206)
Heinig, H. P., G. J. Sinnamon
Integral Representations of Functions in Weighted Bergman Spaces
(pp. 207-213)
Hermann, T.
On the Derivatives of Positive Linear Operators
(pp. 214-221)
Hristov, V. H., K. G. Ivanov
Operators for Onesided Approximation of Functions
(pp. 222-232)
Ignatov, Z. G., V. K. Kaishev
Some Properties of Generalized B-Splines
(pp. 233-241)
Jacobsen, L.
Approximants for Functions Represented by Limit Periodic Continued Fractions
(pp. 242-250)
Kilgore, T.
Some Recent Results in Optimal Interpolation
(pp. 251-259)
Kiryakova, V. S.
Generalized Fractional Integral and Fractional Derivative Representations of Hypergeometric Functions $_pF_q$ for $p=q$ or $p=q+1$
(pp. 260-269)
Kocić, L. M.
Extended Shape Preserving Approximations
(pp. 270-275)
Kon, M. A., A. G. Ramm, L. A. Raphael
Applications of Operator Approximation to Fourier Analysis
(pp. 276-282)
Kutzarova, D. N.
On the Drop Property of Convex Sets in Banach Spaces
(pp. 283-287)
Lee, S. L., G. M. Phillips
Interpolating Polynomials on the Triangle
(pp. 288-291)
Light, W. A.
Some More Uniformly Convex Spaces
(pp. 292-296)
Lorch, L., D. Russell
On Some Contributions of Halász to the Turán Power-Sum Theory, II
(pp. 297-304)
Makovoz, Y.
A Simple Proof of an Inequality in the Theory of n-Widths
(pp. 305-308)
Mevissen, H., R. J. Nessel, E. van Wickeren
On the Sharpness of Error Bounds for Compound Quadrature Rules in the Space of Riemann Integrable Functions
(pp. 309-314)
Milovanović, G. V., I. Z. Milovanović
An Extremal Problem for Polynomials with Nonnegative Coefficients. III
(pp. 315-321)
Milovanović, I. Z., G. V. Milovanović
An Extremal Problem for Algebraic Polynomials with a Prescribed Zero
(pp. 322-326)
Müllenhein, G.
Numerical Treatment of Two-Point Boundary Value Problems with Spline Functions
(pp. 327-335)
Müller, M. W.
Saturation of a New Method of Kantorovič Type Meyer-König and Zeller Operators
(pp. 336-342)
Musielak, H.
On Strong Euler Absolute $\phi$-Summability a.e. of Orthonormal Series
(pp. 343-347)
Musielak, J.
On Generalized Orlicz Sequence Spaces of Fourier Coefficients for Trigonometric Gap Series. II
(pp. 348-351)
Nikolova, L. J.
On the Interpolation of Some Classes of Operators Acting in Families of Banach Spaces
(pp. 352-359)
Opic, B., P. Gurka
On Imbeddings of Weighted Sobolev Spaces
(pp. 360-366)
Persson, L. E.
Some Elementary Inequalities in Connection with $X^p$-Spaces
(pp. 367-376)
Pick, L.
Two Weights Weak Type Inequality for the Maximal Function in $L(1 + log^+L)^k$
(pp. 377-381)
Prestin, J.
Trigonometric Approximation by Euler Means
(pp. 382-389)
Quak, E.
Error Estimates for the Numerical Solution of O.D.Es. by A-Methods Using the $\tau$-Modulus
(pp. 390-398)
von Radziewski, K.
Bivariate Hermite Spline Interpolation
(pp. 399-404)
Rahman, Q. I., G. Schmeisser
An Analogue of Turán's Quadrature Formula
(pp. 405-412)
Runck, P. O., M. Auer, G. Dvorschak
Best Constants for the Simultaneous Approximation of Periodic Functions by Trigonometric Polynomials
(pp. 413-419)
Sharma, A., J. Szabados, R. S. Varga
2-Periodic Lacunary Trigonometric Interpolation: the $(0;M)$ Case
(pp. 420-427)
Sommer, M., H. Strauss
Descartes Systems in Haar Subspaces
(pp. 428-432)
Sun Yongshen, Huan Daren, Fan Gensun
Extremal Problems on Some Classes of Differentiable Functions
(pp. 433-440)
Takev, M. D.
A Theorem of Whitney Type in $R^n$
(pp. 441-447)
Temlyakov, V. N.
Best Bilinear Approximation and Connected Questions
(pp. 448-454)
Totkov, G. A., M. S. Bazelkov
On the Precision of the Polygonal Interpolation in $H^s_\omega (s\ge 2)$
(pp. 455-459)
Tsachev, T.
Finite Dimensional Approximation for a Class of Optimal Control Problems for Systems Governed by Partial Differential Equations
(pp. 460-465)
Urbański, R.
On Modular and Orlicz Space over a Field with Valuation
(pp. 466-470)
Velev, G. D., B. G. Gabdulhaev
Best Approximations of Solutions of Singular Integral Equations of First Kind
(pp. 471-477)
Walz, G.
Numerical Computation of the Matrix Exponential
(pp. 478-481)
Waszak, A.
Sets of Approximable Elements in Double Sequence Spaces
(pp. 482-487)
Xie-Chang Shen
The Summation of Biorthogonal Expansion of Rational Function in the Complex Plane
(pp. 488-497)
Zheng Weixing
On a Class of Approximation Operators over Local Fields
(pp. 498-505)