Title page
(pp. 5-8)
Абилов, В. А.
Приближение функций двух переменных арифметическими средними сумм Фурье-Эрмита
(pp. 9-13)
Буслаев, А. П., В. М. Тихомиров
Спектры некоторых нелинейных уравнений и поперечники соболевских классов
(pp. 14-17)
Габдулхаев, Б. Г., Г. Д. Велев
Наилучшие приближения решений функциональных уравнений и оптимизация чнсленных методов
(pp. 18-26)
Галеев, Э. М.
Поперечники по Колмогорову некоторых классов периодических функций многих переменных
(pp. 27-32)
Джафаров, А. С.
О свойствах сферического полинома наилучшего приближения
(pp. 33-42)
Динь Зунг
Приближение классов функций на торе, задаваемых смешанным модулем непрерывности
(pp. 43-48)
Корнейчук, Н. П.
О некоторых проблемах полиномиальной и сплайн-аппроксимации
(pp. 49-60)
Осиленкер, Б. П.
О рядах Фурье по ортогональным полиномам
(pp. 61-65)
Потапов, М. К., Й. М. Шарович
О приближении функций, аналитических в полосе
(pp. 66-75)
Старков, В. В.
Теорема регулярности для универсальных линейноинвариантных семейств функции
(pp. 76-80)
Топурия, С. Б.
О суммируемости рядов Фурье-Лапласа на сфере
(pp. 81-85)
Троянски, С. Л.
О Н-свойстве и его связь с некоторыми понятиями выпуклости единичной сферы пространства Банаха
(pp. 86-90)
Федоров, В. М.
Об весовой аппроксимации многочленами функций многих переменных
(pp. 91-96)
Христов, В. Х.
Пространства порожденные усредненным модулем гладкости функций многих переменных
(pp. 97-101)
Abbasov, R. A.
On Absolute Convergence of Fourier Transforms
(pp. 102-105)
Alexandrov, L. G.
Error Estimations for Numerical Solution of Elliptic Equations
(pp. 106-112)
Aleksandrov, V. V.
The Descartes' Rule and the Chebyshev's Systems
(pp. 113-118)
Andreev, A. B.
Superconvergence of the FEM Approximations of Some Parabolic Equations
(pp. 119-124)
Angelov, R., S. Markov
Two-Sided Approximation of the Solution of the Initial Problem for Systems of Ordinary Differential Equations Involving Inexact Data
(pp. 125-127)
Babayev, M.-B. A.
A Whithney Type Theorem for Approximating by Quasipolynomials
(pp. 128-139)
Babayev, M.-B. A., A. S. Muchtarov
On Approximation by Superpositions in the Mixed Norm
(pp. 140-144)
Baishanski, B. M.
Given Two Spaces of Generalized Dirichlet Polynomials, which One is Closer to $x^c$?
(pp. 145-149)
Balázs, K.
Lagrange Interpolation for the Completed Laguerre Abscissas
(pp. 150-153)
Bartoszewski, Z.
On some Approximations in Function Spaces and Their Applications in Numerical Methods
(pp. 154-158)
Besvershenko, I. I.
Some Questions on Spline-Solution Construction for Ordinary Differential Equations
(pp. 159-163)
Binev, P. G.
Superconvergence in the Spline-Interpolation
(pp. 164-170)
Björck, G.
Approximation of Beurling Test Functions by Entire Functions
(pp. 171-172)
Boman, J.
Uniqueness Theorems for Generalized Radon Transforms
(pp. 173-176)
Boyadzieva, T., P. Boyadziev
Rational Approximation of Analytic Functions
(pp. 177-181)
Bozhinov, N. S.
Cauchy Convolutions and the Multiplier Problem of Root Vector Expansions
(pp. 182-187)
Braess, D., N. Dyn
On the Uniqueness of Monosplines and Perfect Splines
(pp. 188-193)
Brakalova, M. A.
Assymptotical Holomorphy of Some Mappings
(pp. 194-196)
Brosowski, B., G. Guerreiro
Refined Kolmogorov-Criterions for Best Rational Chebyshev-Approximation
(pp. 197-207)
Cheney, E. W.
Recent Progress in Multivariate Approximation
(pp. 208-213)
Ciesielski, Z.
Spline Bases in Classical Function Spaces on Compact $C^\infty$ Manifolds. Part III
(pp. 214-223)
Collatz, L.
Approximation of Solution of Differential Equations and of Their Derivatives
(pp. 224-231)
Cwikel, M., P. Nilsson
On Calderón-Mitjagin Couples of Banach Lattices
(pp. 232-236)
Dahmen, W., C. Micchelli
On the Multivariate Euler-Frobenius Polynomials
(pp. 237-243)
Dappa, H., W. Trebels
Some Applications of the Subordination Principle in Fourier Analysis
(pp. 244-253)
DeBoor, C., K. Höllig., S. D. Riemenschneider
On Bivariate Cardinal Interpolation
(pp. 254-259)
Dechevski, L. T.
Network-Norm Error Estimation Using Interpolation of Spaces and Application to Differential Equations
(pp. 260-265)
Delvos, F.-.J.
On Bivariate Hermite Trigonometric Interpolation
(pp. 266-272)
Dickmeis, W., R. J. Nessel, E. van Wickeren
Some Negative Results on the Comparison of Approximation Processes
(pp. 273-283)
Dizian, Z.
Derivatives of Trigonometric Polynomial Approximation
(pp. 284-290)
Djidjev, H. N.
On the Hausdorff Convergence of Summative Formulae
(pp. 291-297)
Doktor, P.
Smooth Functions and Zero Traces in Sobolev Space
(pp. 298-299)
Dontchev, A. L., E. M. Farkhi
Error Estimates for a Discrete Approximation to Nonlinear Optimal Processes by Averaged Moduli of Smoothness
(pp. 300-305)
Drenska, N. T.
The Convergence of the Difference Scheme of the Finite Element Method for the Poisson Equation in a Discrete $L_p$-Norm
(pp. 306-311)
Dryanov, D. P.
On the Convergence and Saturation Problem of a Class of Discrete Linear Operators of Entire Exponential Type in $L_p(-\infty,\infty)$ Spaces
(pp. 312-318)
Dunham, C. B.
Difficulties in Rational Chebyshev Approximation
(pp. 319-327)
El Hatri, M.
Superconvergence in Finite Element Method for a Degenerated Boundary' Value Problem
(pp. 328-333)
Feichtinger, H. G.
Tauberian Theorems on Groups and Banach Modules
(pp. 334-345)
Feschiev, I. H., M. A. Hemeamin
On Some Extremal Problems for Conjugate Classes of Functions
(pp. 346-351)
Fridli, S.
Bernstein-Type Inequalities with Respect to the Vilenkin-Systems
(pp. 352-355)
Godini, G.
Best Approximation in Normed Almost Linear Spaces
(pp. 356-363)
Gonska, H. H.
On Approximation in C(X)
(pp. 364-369)
Gróf, J.
Uniform Approximation on the Whole Real Line
(pp. 370-375)
Grozev, G. R.
Optimal Quadrature Formulae for Differentiable Functions
(pp. 376-381)
Gustafson, K.
On the Structure of Finite Element Solenoidal Subspaces
(pp. 382-391)
Györvári, J.
Cauchy Problem and Modified Lacunary Spline Functions
(pp. 392-396)
Hanin, L. G.
Closed Primary Ideals and Point Derivations in Zygmund Algebras
(pp. 397-402)
Haussmann, W., K. Zeller
Mixed Norm Multivariate Approximation with Blending Functions
(pp. 403-408)
Hayman, W. K.
The Growth of Quasisymmetric Functions
(pp. 409-415)
Iliev, G., S. Tashev
A New Estimate of the Degree of Monotone Interpolation
(pp. 416-420)
Ivanov, K. G.
Approximation by Bernstein Polynomials in $L_p$ Metric
(pp. 421-429)
Jakimovski, A., D. C. Russell
Hermite Spline Interpolation of Data of Power Growth
(pp. 430-439)
Karadzhov, G. E.
Asymptotic Behaviour of Spectral Function for Harmonic Oscillator
(pp. 439-444)
Kindalev, B. S.
Asymptotics of Error for Interpolating Splines of Even Degree
(pp. 445-450)
Kirov, G. H.
Optimal Quadrature Formulae for Function Classes $W^rH_\omega$
(pp. 451-456)
Kiryakova, V. S.
An Application of Meijer's G-Function to Bessel-Type Differential Operators
(pp. 457-462)
Kocić, L. M., M. S. Stanković
Dominated Approximation of Convex Functions by Positive Linear Operators
(pp. 463-467)
Kokilashvili, V. M., M. Krbec
On the Boundedness of Riesz Potentials and Fractional Maximal Functions in Weighted Orlicz Spaces
(pp. 468-472)
Kokilashvili, V. M., J. Rákosník
Anisotropic Maximal Inequalities with Weights
(pp. 473-478)
Kovačeva, R.
Something Else About the Meromorphic Continuation of Functions
(pp. 479-486)
Kováčik, O.
Some Generalization of Lebesgue and Sobolev Spaces
(pp. 487-492)
Kowalski, M. A.
A Note on the General Multivariate Moment Problem
(pp. 493-499)
Krivencob, Y. P.
The Theory of Non-Classical Problems of the Best Approximation
(pp. 500-500)
Kuchminskaja, C. J.
On the Convergence of Two-Dimensional Continued Fractions
(pp. 501-506)
Kutzarova, D. N.
On an Equivalent Norm in $L_1$ which is Uniformly Convex in Every Direction
(pp. 507-512)
Lagomasino, G. L., J. Illián
A Note on Generalized Quadrature Formulas of Gauss-Jacobi Type
(pp. 513-518)
Lénárd, M.
A Spline Interpolational Method for Functions of Several Variables
(pp. 519-523)
Łenski, W.
On the Almost Strong Summability and Convergence of Fourier Series
(pp. 524-527)
Leopold, H.-G.
On a Class of Weighted Function Spaces
(pp. 528-533)
Levin, B. J.
Extremal Problems in Classes of Subharmonic Functions and Their Applications
(pp. 534-543)
Lewicki, G.
An Existence Theorem for Minimal Linear Projections
(pp. 544-548)
Lorentz, R. A.
Some Regular Problems of Bivariate Interpolation
(pp. 549-562)
Luh, W.
The Intersection of Gronwall Methods with Nörlund and Riesz Methods
(pp. 563-568)
Máckiewicz, A.
On Piecewise-Linear Approximation and Numerical Minimization of Convex Functions (Some New Optimization Algorithms II)
(pp. 569-577)
Maleev, R. P.
Korovkin Theorem in Rearrangement Invariant Function Spaces
(pp. 578-582)
Marlewski, A.
Powers of Bernstein-Type Operators
(pp. 583-587)
Máté, A., P. Nevai, V. Totik
Mean Cesaro Summability of Orthogonal Polynomials
(pp. 588-599)
Mateljević, M., M. Pavlović
$L^p$-Behaviour of Power Series with Positive Coefficients and Some Spaces of Analytic Functions
(pp. 600-604)
Milovanović, I. Z.
On an Extremal Problem in Theory of Approximation
(pp. 605-609)
Miroshnichenko, V. L.
Convex and Monotone Spline Interpolation
(pp. 610-620)
Müller, M. W.
Optimal Knots for K-Fold Lagrangian Numerical Differentiation
(pp. 621-628)
Musielak, H.
On Some Inequalities in Spaces of Integrable Functions
(pp. 629-633)
Németh, G.
The Gibbs Phenomenon in Generalized Padé Approximation
(pp. 634-639)
Nikolov, K. I., L. J. Nikolova
Analytic Semi-Groups of Growth $\gamma\ge 0$ and Interpolation
(pp. 640-643)
Opic, B., A. Kufner
Some Inequalities in Weighted Sobolev Spaces
(pp. 644-648)
Opitz, H. U., K. Scherer
A Generalization of the Padé-Approximation to $e^{-x}$ on $[0,\infty)$
(pp. 649-657)
Pál, J.
On the Dyadic Haar Derivative
(pp. 658-663)
Peetre, J.
On Asplund's Averaging Method - The Interpolation (Function) Way
(pp. 664-671)
Petrushev, P. P.
On the Relations Between Rational and Spline Approximation
(pp. 672-674)
Phillips, G. M., P. J. Taylor
On the Estimation of Orthogonal Coefficients
(pp. 675-678)
Pleśniak, W.
Again on Markov's Inequality
(pp. 679-683)
Popa, N.
Some New Classes of Perfect Banach Lattices Related to the Carleman Operators and Their Adjoints
(pp. 684-689)
Popov, V. A.
One Diagonal Interpolation Theorem and Its Application
(pp. 690-698)
Prestin, J.
Trigonometric Interpolation of Functions of Bounded Variation
(pp. 699-703)
Proinov, P. D.
Uniformly Distributed Matrices and Numerical Integration
(pp. 704-709)
Prössdorf, S., A. Rathsfeld
Strongly Elliptic Singular Integral Equations with Piecewise Continuous Coefficients and the Convergence of Spline Galerkin and Collocation Methods
(pp. 710-717)
Rahman, Q. I., G. Schmeisser
Uniform Approximation of the Whole Real Line
(pp. 718-725)
Ramadanov, I. P., M. L. Skwarczyński
An Angle in $L^2(C)$ Determined by Two Plane Domains
(pp. 726-730)
Richter, W., E. L. Stark
Constructing (Better) Trigonometrical Kernels by Removing Zeroes
(pp. 731-745)
Ries, S., R. L. Stens
Approximation by Generalized Sampling Series
(pp. 746-756)
Rofe-Beketov, F. S.
Spectrum Perturbations, the Kneser-Type Constants and the Effective Masses of Zones-Type Potentials
(pp. 757-766)
Runckel, H.-J.
Zero-Free Regions for Polynomials with Applications to Padé-Approximants
(pp. 767-771)
Rusak, V. N.
Exact Order of Best Rational Approximation on Some Classes of Periodic Functions
(pp. 772-775)
Ryll, J.
Isomorphisms Between Besov Spaces and Sequence Spaces
(pp. 776-781)
Ŝarapudinov, I. I.
On the Hahn Polynomials Application for the Optimal Tabulation of Functions
(pp. 782-787)
Schempp, W.
Approximation in the Hardy Space $H^1(D)$ from Local Boundary Values
(pp. 788-797)
Schmeisser, H. J.
Characterizations of Spaces of Sobolev Type with a Dominating Mixed Derivative by Differences
(pp. 798-802)
Schmidt, G.
On Complex Spline Interpolation on the Unit Circle
(pp. 803-807)
Sendov, Bl.
On a Theorem of H. Whitney
(pp. 808-813)
Siciak, J.
Approximation and Interpolation by Transcendental Polynomials
(pp. 814-817)
Steinhaus, B.
$L_1$ Approximation with Blending Functions
(pp. 818-823)
Still, G.
On the Approximation of Holomorphic Functions by Müntz Polynomials on an Interval Away from the Origin
(pp. 824-829)
Szalay, I.
On the Banach Space of Uniformly Strong Convergent Fourier Series
(pp. 830-834)
Széke1yhidi, L.
$L^p$-Approximation by Splines
(pp. 835-839)
Tamrazov, P. M.
Divided Differences and Moduli of Smoothness of Functions, Function Superpositions and Their Application
(pp. 840-851)
Tingfan, X.
Degree of Approximation of Hermite-Fejér Interpolation Based on the Zeroes of Legendre Polynomial
(pp. 852-857)
Tonev, T. V.
Generalized-Analytic Sets in the Parts of Maximal Ideal Space
(pp. 858-863)
Totkov, G. A., M. S. Bazelkov
On the Convergence of Some Quadrature Processes
(pp. 864-869)
Totkov, G. A., M. S. Bazelkov
Local Interpolation Splines of Odd Degree
(pp. 870-875)
Vershinin, V. V.
Estimates of the Approximation of Derivatives with the Help of Smoothing Splines
(pp. 876-881)
Vértesi, P.
Optimal Lebesgue Constants for Polynomial Interpolation
(pp. 882-890)
Volkov, Y. S.
Divergence of Interpolating Quintic Splines
(pp. 891-895)
Waszak, A.
Some Remarks on Approximable Elements in Generalised Saks Spaces
(pp. 896-901)
Winiarski, T.
Limits of Algebraic Subsets of $C^n$
(pp. 902-905)
Wronicz, Z.
Moduli of Smoothness Associated with Chebyshev Systems and Approximation by L-Splines
(pp. 906-916)
Zhensykbaev, A. A.
Extremal Properties of Certain Sets of Splines and Their Applications
(pp. 917-927)
Židkov, G. V.
Integral Representation and Approximation of Functions on a Hyperboloid
(pp. 928-935)
Unsolved problems
(pp. 936-939)